Sore balls on longish rides.



  • jehosophat
    jehosophat Posts: 108
    Even the people defending baggies are admitting it is all about fashion, and I still fail to see what that has to do with riding. It is not about shaving tenths of seconds, it is about not having loads of material flapping about your legs and making you sweat more. They are OK (the ones with proper liners anyway), a good option perhaps when it is cooler, or muddy and you can ditch the outer and drive home clean (er), but not as comfy as a proper cycling short, especially a bib short. Of my various clothing the 3/4 or full length thermolite Endura bib shorts with a massive pad in them are by far the most comfortable for actually riding in, rather than walking catwalks.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    jehosophat wrote:
    Even the people defending baggies are admitting it is all about fashion,
    Are they?
  • Aaaand... there you are, looking a bit of a pillock.

    I've never seen the need for lycra, unless you're actually racing and trying to shave those few hundredths of a second off your time. Different strokes for different folks, you know.

    That's my point, I might well look a bit of a pillock but for cycling its the most effective and functional clothing for the job.

    It's nothing to do with shaving time off, it's comfortable, doesn't get caught on stuff, doesn't flap around and wicks sweat when you're working hard. I can see some point for baggy shorts etc if all you're doing is downhill on an uplift day or are one of the mincers who just puts it in the granny ring and bimbles up the slightest incline but, for me, going uphill hard is as an important part of mountain biking as coming down fast and, for that, lycra is the best choice.