SRAM Red groupset, cheaper cassete for powertap

JimboPlob Posts: 397
edited March 2012 in Road buying advice
I have a bike running SRAM Red and have a SRAM PG10-70 on my good set of wheels.

I also have a powertap which I swap in/out for training. I cant be doing with changing the cassette between wheels every time, so would be looking to use a separate cassette.

1) Are there any gotcha's with this? Will I need to replace chains more often?
2) What is a good cheaper alternative that I can use with the powertap without doing any damage to my SRAM Red components?
3) I would also like to run the same cassette on the power tap with my TT bike which is currently running 105, again, any issues with this?



  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    1) Chains will wear more quickly and therby may also wear the chain rings faster - make sure you keep an eye on chain wear and repalce when neccessary
    2) Does nt matter
    3) see 1

    I think....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • itsnotarace
    itsnotarace Posts: 518
    I run two sets of wheels regularly and use two identical cassettes so the rear mech doesn't need adjusting when I swap wheels. I keep one chain per cassette so each chain gets the same amount of wear as the cassette. To quickly swap chains when I swap wheels I use KMC missing links on each.