first post and a question please

jezzerw Posts: 2
edited March 2012 in Commuting general
Hi All,

first post and it starts with a question!!!

gopro hero!! where best to mount it? Pics would be appreciated.

I have it on my stem which is fine but should I get a vented helmet mount so it films where I look and not where the handlebars point?

tks in advance for any pointers


  • corshamjim
    corshamjim Posts: 234
    Welcome! I don't have such a camera. If I did I'd experiment. How about mounting it inside your wheel to get a rotating view of the world! :D
  • The best footage I've ever seen from GoPro cameras is when it's strapped to the rider's chest.

    I think GoPro sell a harness specifically for this.

    Because your body soaks up vibration and compensates for movement, the footage is really smooth- on helmet/ bars, the camera shakes all over the place.

    Having said that, if you have an aggressive position you may just end up filming your top tube...