Had a top ten but no points

Fredster42 Posts: 10
edited April 2012 in Amateur race
Hi I wonder if anyone has any advice. I've decided to give the racing a proper crack this year so I've been training diligently all winter with aim of hopefully not just trundling round but actually getting a few results.

So my first race of the season was me 4th cats at thruxton this Sunday. I was gong pretty well and found myself in a good position and I reckon I took 6 th place on the line.

I checked the results tonight I'm not even in the list of finishers!

Ok I know it's hardly Milan San Remo but I was chuffed its my first top ten for ages and I wanted the points because my aim is t o move up to 3rd and hopefully 2nd cat this year.

So questions

1 is it worth contacting the organisers? I cant imagine this would help there were about 10 races and I cant imagine they'll change results now
2. Do you recommend sticking around to make sure you're in the right position? It seems some of the races I've done the placings further down are open for discussion. I guess I should have done this on Sunday I was just in a hurry to get home

Shall I just chalk this down as another lesson learned?


  • Pseudonym
    Pseudonym Posts: 1,032
    You should have claimed a place after the finish, if you felt you'd got something. If it was a bunch sprint then the line judges would probably have been glad of the 'help'...

    If the results have now appeared, then it's probably too late to change them.
  • 3Pears
    3Pears Posts: 174
    Hi Fredster
    I wasn't there but I believe they have a camera system at Thruxton, similar to that used at Ludgershall.

    It is certainly worth a polite email to the organiser and I'm sure they'll review it for you. A team mate had a similar problem at the E/1/2/3 event at Ludgershall and once review the mistake was corrected :D

    All judges, organisers and other officials don't want to miss riders off results if they placed but with so many races at Thruxton they have a lot of races to sort :shock:
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Contact them and ask politely if they can check the finishing video - what have you got to lose.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,135
    Did you have your number pinned on in the correct position? You'd be surprised how many people don't and it makes life difficult for the judges or photo equipment if there is a bunch sprint.
  • joey54321
    joey54321 Posts: 1,297
    I had a similar situation last year. After the race I went and talked to them, they said "yup, 7th, good sprint"...chuffed as it got me my 3rd cat but after weeks nothing from BC! talked to the organiser and they bumped me back up to 7th (felt a bit sorry for whoever had their points taken away, but they didn't really earn them.)
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    I had the same problem last year. Apparently I won a race at Mallory Park.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    I have twice found BC commissaires to be short sighted and not prepared to listen to my complaints about their results. I'm not a commissaire so I can't complain that they sometimes do a poor job. So I'm not complaining that they can sometimes be obnoxious and obstructive and not really interested in getting the correct result, just getting any result.

    As I say, I'm not complaining. I don't mind that I train hard over the winter, buy a membership and race licence, plan my weekend around a Sunday race, drive for an hour to get to the race, work my @sre off to get a good results to then be told that I finished lower down the results than I actually did, then drive for another hour to get home. The results don't actually matter, apparently.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Don't think that's true is it ? I've organised several BC races and the comms don't determine the results - they may take a list of the points scorers but they take that list from the organiser or the judges the organiser appoints - and the organiser is the one who would amend the results if they need amending.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    GiantMike wrote:
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.

    No its not.

    In fact the commissaires should be in a position where they can observe the conduct of the finish (eg no switching), which means either from behind, or head on and not generally on the finish line. Its the Chief Judge who is responsible for deciding the finish order, and will report this to the Chief Commissaire. The Chief Commissaire will decide if the finish was conducted fairly and if any rider should be dq'd.

    BC National Commissaire
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    It happens.
    Beat this.
    Once won a crit in south wales , after the event , get presented with my prize money, shake the organisers hand , small round of applause , shake the comminsairs hand. When the results are published ,im not even listed . As it happens i was over the moon as i did`nt really want the points anyway. So got the best of both worlds.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • xixang
    xixang Posts: 235
    sub55 wrote:
    It happens.
    Beat this.
    Once won a crit in south wales , after the event , get presented with my prize money, shake the organisers hand , small round of applause , shake the comminsairs hand. When the results are published ,im not even listed . As it happens i was over the moon as i did`nt really want the points anyway. So got the best of both worlds.

    a guy in our club once got top 5 in a race he pulled out with a puncture of after 1 lap. He fesses up but they never replaced the 5th spot. Just went down as unknown and no one claimed it.
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    I was involved in judging the finish line at a local crit for the first time a couple of weeks back. The big problem is that since racing is organised by volunteers it's hard to have a lot of people judging on the finish line and the camera can miss people (obscured by another rider etc).

    Not sure who reviews camera footage but chances are the initial results are a bunch of guys from the local club writing as fast as they can while you go past. Worked out well for us in most races but was damn near impossible in one which ended in a big group about 6 wide across the road.

    Send them an email, I'd imagine they'll fix it if they can (especially if there's a mystery 'red jersey, no number' in 6th).
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    blackhands wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.

    No its not.

    In fact the commissaires should be in a position where they can observe the conduct of the finish (eg no switching), which means either from behind, or head on and not generally on the finish line. Its the Chief Judge who is responsible for deciding the finish order, and will report this to the Chief Commissaire. The Chief Commissaire will decide if the finish was conducted fairly and if any rider should be dq'd.

    BC National Commissaire

    Blimey. Commissaire, Chief Commissaire, Chief Judge, Organiser. All at the same race? Is this some kind of Soviet Union System we're using? No wonder the memebrship and race licence is so expensive (oh feck, that can's open now).

    OK. 3 guys in BC grey jackets robbed me of my 3rd. It may have been the Chief Judge's second underling's 3 fluffers that did it, but it was DEFINITELY 3 guys in a grey BC jackets.

    As I say, I'm not a Commissaire, Chief Commissaire, Chief Judge or 3rd Under Secratary to the President, so I'm not complaining about those selfless souls that are. I'm just stating the facts.
  • GiantMike wrote:
    blackhands wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.

    No its not.

    In fact the commissaires should be in a position where they can observe the conduct of the finish (eg no switching), which means either from behind, or head on and not generally on the finish line. Its the Chief Judge who is responsible for deciding the finish order, and will report this to the Chief Commissaire. The Chief Commissaire will decide if the finish was conducted fairly and if any rider should be dq'd.

    BC National Commissaire

    Blimey. Commissaire, Chief Commissaire, Chief Judge, Organiser. All at the same race? Is this some kind of Soviet Union System we're using? No wonder the memebrship and race licence is so expensive (oh feck, that can's open now).

    Yep - all at the same race. Try organising one yourself and you'll quickly see how many people are needed to run a race safely, and get a correct result...

    And, apart from recompense for travel expenses, these people aren't getting paid. And race organisation isn't funded by the fees BC take for membership/licence.
    Put me back on my bike...

    t' blog: http://meandthemountain.wordpress.com/
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,135
    GiantMike wrote:
    blackhands wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.

    No its not.

    In fact the commissaires should be in a position where they can observe the conduct of the finish (eg no switching), which means either from behind, or head on and not generally on the finish line. Its the Chief Judge who is responsible for deciding the finish order, and will report this to the Chief Commissaire. The Chief Commissaire will decide if the finish was conducted fairly and if any rider should be dq'd.

    BC National Commissaire

    Blimey. Commissaire, Chief Commissaire, Chief Judge, Organiser. All at the same race? Is this some kind of Soviet Union System we're using? No wonder the memebrship and race licence is so expensive (oh feck, that can's open now).

    Yep - all at the same race. Try organising one yourself and you'll quickly see how many people are needed to run a race safely, and get a correct result...

    And, apart from recompense for travel expenses, these people aren't getting paid. And race organisation isn't funded by the fees BC take for membership/licence.

    Always good when someone criticises without having a clue isn't it?
  • Pross wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    blackhands wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    The commissaires or the race organiser ? It's not really the job of the commissaire to decide who finished where.

    It is if it's a BC race.

    No its not.

    In fact the commissaires should be in a position where they can observe the conduct of the finish (eg no switching), which means either from behind, or head on and not generally on the finish line. Its the Chief Judge who is responsible for deciding the finish order, and will report this to the Chief Commissaire. The Chief Commissaire will decide if the finish was conducted fairly and if any rider should be dq'd.

    BC National Commissaire

    Blimey. Commissaire, Chief Commissaire, Chief Judge, Organiser. All at the same race? Is this some kind of Soviet Union System we're using? No wonder the memebrship and race licence is so expensive (oh feck, that can's open now).

    Yep - all at the same race. Try organising one yourself and you'll quickly see how many people are needed to run a race safely, and get a correct result...

    And, apart from recompense for travel expenses, these people aren't getting paid. And race organisation isn't funded by the fees BC take for membership/licence.

    Always good when someone criticises without having a clue isn't it?


    On the other hand, i've always thought the word 'Commissaire' sounds sinister :-D lol
    Put me back on my bike...

    t' blog: http://meandthemountain.wordpress.com/
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Pross wrote:
    Always good when someone criticises without having a clue isn't it?

    As I said in my earlier post, I'm not a commissaire or an organiser, so I'm not complaining about them. I was empathising with the OP that despite working hard training, paying to get to and from an event and paying to enter an event, even when you know the result is wrong there is nothing you can do about it.
  • Quick question on this.

    Raced my first crit race for a few years (Surrey League 4th Cat at Cyclopark in Kent on 28.4.12) in which I think I placed 5th - results tbc. Just wondering how the points end up back at BC and on my license, and how long that process takes? Also, can you move up a category during the racing season? Would like to move out of the crash-fest races that are London 4th Cat crits as soon as possible really...