Colour scheme

dirtymonkey1985 Posts: 529
edited April 2012 in Road beginners
Spring is here so I've stripped my winter bike for a service, but I can't help feel it could do with a lick of paint. I kind of like this

I've been trying to decide what colour would look good and be a bit different from the blue and white paint job it currently has. If anyone has any ideas please let me know as I'm driving myself mental thinking of different options.


  • frame Matt black with a really shiny red, blue or green writing. RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • andysol
    andysol Posts: 125
    For me black is for summer. I like the BMC colours though, but i would Go bright! Yellow, green Orange with black pin stripe.

    It will cheer you up on the cold dark winter nights. My cross bike is metallic green with bright green bar tape very 90's.

    But if you want understated have a look at independant fabrication site,

    Evidently i mostly have a FCN of 1. I'm now a lady!
  • andysol
    andysol Posts: 125
    Re black... I love this scheme.
    Evidently i mostly have a FCN of 1. I'm now a lady!
  • andysol
    andysol Posts: 125
    Evidently i mostly have a FCN of 1. I'm now a lady!
  • Well I stripped all the original paint off at the weekend and this is what it all came out like
    I'm actually surprised how well it came out considering it was done with just a few cans of spray paint and masking tape. I'm just in the process of getting some new gear/brake cables and I'll be completely finished, which is just in time judging by the weather forecast :?
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    As a typographer and graphic designer I would recommend you that you avoid using colours that are in your kit, that way, new paint, new kit! :D

    Personally I like the way Rose use colour and type.
    my isetta is a 300cc bike