Summer Chain Lube

woozor Posts: 117
edited March 2012 in Road buying advice
Seeing as i got some free points to spend on PBK

I need to get some chain lube. What can you recommend for the summer? I am a fair weather rider = no rain for me :wink:

And how often do you re-lube your chain?


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Rocknroll absolute dry
  • ajb72
    ajb72 Posts: 1,178
    My two favourites are Morgan blue syn lube and Finish Line Ceramic Wax Lube.

    The ceramic wax lube is a great stuff unless used in very wet and grimy conditions, so ideal in spiring / summer for a quiet drivetrain and doesn't need re-applying too often. Don't confuse it with the non-ceramic stuff though, no where near as good.

    The Morgan Blue is also top draw stuff and used by several pro teams. A bit more expensive but it doesn't drip on application so you save loads by having no waste. This is a slightly heavier lube so more of an all-rounder.
  • Listen to shutuplegs he is much wise in his recommendations. Rocknroll is the king of lubes.
  • Mad Roadie
    Mad Roadie Posts: 710
    Finish Line Ceramic Wax Lube. ... +1 for this
  • Chainsaw oil.
  • RDB66
    RDB66 Posts: 492
    White Lightning Clean.
    A Brother of the Wheel.

    09 Canyon Ultimate CF for the Road.
    2011 Carbon Spesh Stumpy FSR.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
  • yaya
    yaya Posts: 411
    I'll probably be grilled (again) but I've always used engine oil on all my bikes, including motorbikes...
  • ajb72
    ajb72 Posts: 1,178
    ShutUpLegs wrote:

    Really? I'd never considered that. I use GT85 to clean up the chain and cassette after a bike wash, but I'd always thought it would be too thin to use as a lubricating oil. Interesting.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    edited March 2012
    Listen to shutuplegs he is much wise in his recommendations. Rocknroll is the king of lubes.
    RocknRoll might state it's the 'King of Lubes' on the bottle and it's ok but it's not the best imo. The worst thing is you have to use a lot of it to get a well running chain. Chain-L is a better lubricant and one i have been using for a while. Pedros Syn Lube is pretty good too.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    From PBK to use your points, this?

    Ive settled on Shimano PTFE after a a good few bottles gone through of other stuff, but, it does now have 'dry' in the title, so I assume its the same stuff as my bottle that doesnt have the word dry on it.

    Works well, and its a good viscosity, some are so thin, you seem to end up using loads.

    There must be a huge market for the stuff as there are soooo many makes out there, and everyone's after the holy grail. (for MTBing I believe Purple Extreme is the best I found, and settled on it for all year round, but on the road bike, I found I can get others that run cleaner for longer, if you like things looking smart).
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Finish Line Wax lube on the roadie, Dry on the MTB...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • woozor
    woozor Posts: 117
    I ended up just going for rock n roll lube.

    cheers for all the suggestions :D