Lochaber 100 (fort William) open for entries

DaveMoss Posts: 236
You can now enter for the Lochaber 100 challenge September 22nd.

100 stunning miles from Fort William with generous food and drink stops to help you on your way. And all for a good cause

see www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk
Sportives and tours, 100% for charity, http://www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk


  • DaveMoss
    DaveMoss Posts: 236
    Still places available for this one. Maybe a bit far to travel, but even the drive to get there is stunning , and the route for the cycle is just wonderful.
    Sportives and tours, 100% for charity, http://www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    I am toying with entering this but the next week there is the Lord of the Lochs sportive which takes in almost the exact route. I often have to change plans at the last minute due to work and was wondering when is the last time I can enter or can you enter on the day?
    Brian B.
  • Entries will be taken on the day for this fabulous 100 mile ride.
    It would ,however, be helpful to have an e mail in advance from anyone who is thinking of coming. ( we want to make enough cakes!)

    Registration in Kilmallie Community Hall, Corpach,from 8 am.
    Mass start for experienced group riders 9 am.

    see www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk
    Sportives and tours, 100% for charity, http://www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk
  • Excellent route- friendly helpers- great food during and after the event and except for the bone chillingly cold first hour,perfect weather on a spectacular route.Thanks to all.
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Gutted that I missed this event but Mrs B wanted to celebrate something as insignificent as her 40th.
    Brian B.
  • A fantastic day out on a great route. First 12 miles or so was bloody freezing in the fog. Then just as you got to the monument in Glenfinnan someone switched off the fog machine and plugged in the sun. The day was perfect from then on. The roads were properly smooth, apart from one or two small sections, but a total of a couple of miles of slightly dodgy tarmac in a hundred isn't too bad in my book. The food and water stops were well stocked and just at the right spacing to give you a wee boost at the right times. As for the profile again it was just right, the first ten miles were pretty flat to loosen the legs. Then the next forty included a few climbs to give you an appetite for the filled rolls and cake at Strontian. After lunch there was a bump up and over to Ardgour then almost completely flat all the way home. The only dirty trick the route played was that you can see the finish, taunting you, from about thirty miles away!!! In fact at one point when I stopped for a break I was only half a mile from Fort William but still had twenty miles to pedal.
    Absolutely stunning scenery with the views out over Rum and Eigg, the tops of the Cuillins in the distance, and the wildlife count included seals, red deer (incl. a stag, fifty yards ahead of us standing in the middle of the road), and red squirrel.

    If you only do one sportive next year make it this one, it's in aid of a very deserving cause and the vast bulk of the money raised goes to that cause, unlike some bigger events. Thanks to everyone involved in the organisation, see you next year.
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • DaveMoss
    DaveMoss Posts: 236
    Entry for the 2013 event, August 31st is now open at www.entrycentral.com
    Sportives and tours, 100% for charity, http://www.tearfundcycling.btck.co.uk