
capt_slog Posts: 3,965
edited March 2012 in The bottom bracket
No, not the cycle type, I mean the Channel Islands.

Some of you must have been there, any tips on where to go and what to avoid? Is it going to cost me an arm and a leg in food? etc.

This just a holiday advice no biking involved.


The older I get, the better I was.


  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    Jersey is quite a nice wee place, you can drive round it in a day and St helier has a decent stab at a nightlife from what I remember. Typical British high st though. Nice beaches and I don't recall it being too pricey. Spent a week there in 2006, decent zoo for kids.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Well, there's too much to fit in on here, but for starters:

    The pros:

    Depending on the weather, its either seriously beautiful (as in "bloody hell, that is stunning - have a look at this") or seriously shyyyt - you get that cold damp cold that fishermen are used to: no matter how many layers you wrap up in.

    Its windy all the time when you are on the bike, but the wind is our friend - it makes us strong. But its an island - what do you really expect?

    The riding is very good as well if you get hold of a bike - good short very sharp climbs.

    Eating is out wonderful: so many excellent restaurants (3 with Michelin stars the last count) - if you want somewhere really, really nice you won't have a problem. Head to St Aubin (west of the island) for well proced lovely restaurants and pubs on the waterfront (it's a harbour) - Danny's & Pedros to name but two - fantastic food and wine, very well priced.

    If you want Michelin starred cuisine with one of the best views in the world: The Atlantic at La Pulente: sits at the top of the hill and overlooks the whole of St Ouen's Bay.

    Bohemia in Green Street (Michelin starred, that northern chef bloke - Google it) do a chef's table - you sit in a booth in the centre of the kitchen during a night's service - very interesting, good banter with the Chef/Sous Chef. Well worth it.

    The pubs in the country are cool - very French but English of you know what I mean - good food, good beer, open fireplaces but no one wearing tweed and if you head to a proper country pub everyone will still say hello to each other. Really friendly.

    Drink the Liberation Ale - very smooth and well priced. Mary Ann is the local brew and its worth a couple.

    Its chilled out - take off your UK head, stick on your holiday head and just meander.

    Head down to the Watersplash on St Ouen's Bay - best surfing beach in Europe) on a Friday night: sit outside, watch the locals chill, have a few pints. If you catch it right, its one of the most stunning vistas in the world - 5 miles of flat sand leading out to the beach, headland out to the left, Corbiere lighthouse out to the right. You'll also find the best women out here - generally St Helier is occupied by mingers. Open mic on a Sunday afternoon, Saturday night it's a rock/surfer club - loud, sticky, lots of people jumping around. If you're over, ooooh, 30, you'll feel old and jivey.

    4 bike shops selling everything form kids bikes to top of the range Cervelos/Wiliers with full Di2.

    Magnus Backstedt has a coffee shop there - Big Maggie's just off New Street - stocks Willier, MCipollini, Principia and a few others - very good coffee, one fit barista, one minger. The fit one may give out but she's had a sprog so she's soiled and not really worth it.

    Its 10,000 times better than Guernsey and 20,000,000 times better than Warrington.

    The locals - ie people from Jersey, not people who live in Jersey - are very friendly and helpful.

    East is least although it does have Rozel and the Hungry Man cafe that you have to go to for a snack. The West is the best: St Brelade's Bay, Portelet, St Ouen, etc: do a Google World and you'll see what I mean.

    The beer garden at the Prince of Wales pub behind the Central Market: secluded, silent haven of loveliness in a pub that sells only real ale. If its sunny you have to go if you are in St Helier.

    The cons:

    There are a lot of finance workers over there who think that they are Richard Branson but aren't - they strut around thinking they are The Man but in actual fact are The Tool. Ignore them and treat the with the disdain they deserve.

    4x4s infect the island like Chlamydia on Spring Break. They are generally by tw4ts who think that they are important because they drive a 4x4 but don't realise that everyone has one.

    Its windy all the time when you are in the bike. Some people say "but the wind is our friend - it makes us strong" but they are just tw4ts who don't know any different.

    The local cycle clubs are tools. Well, 99% of them are. You'll see them and think "how much is your bike and how cr4p are you?".

    Its not as cheap as it used to be - taxes have hit in, prices have risen.

    It can be pricey if you go large.

    The pubs in St Helier (the main town) can be full of tossers - if you want a few drinks, head to St Aubins - lots of nice pubs and restaurants.

    St Helier in a Friday/Saturday night can be a bit edgy - lots of pizzed up people having a pop at each other. Not UK edgy but not very nice. Local Babylon are trying to do there bit, but there's nothing worth going to do in St Helier on a Friday/Saturday night that can't be done elsewhere.

    As you can probably guess, I know it very, very well: drop me a pm if you want anything else. If you are heading over with kids, its still tops the minuet the sun shines.


  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    Best review I`ve seen for a long time-still not going though.I`m off to Cardigan.
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    Thanks for that Yossie, very kind of you to take the time and trouble :D

    The older I get, the better I was.