Credit where credit is due - Good Service - Mountaintrax

IBISMojoHDamon Posts: 330
edited March 2012 in MTB general
As a consumer of mountain bike products, I'll be the first to admit, when something goes wrong with a product and it shouldn't of, I do expect the highest level of service and professionalism when rectifying an issue so I thought I'd share a bit of praise with you as to how good a bike shop could be.

I bought my XTR trail pedals from my LBS back in March of last year, rode them for a year and as I posted with my 'Shimano ever fail' post, the axle sheared at the end on Sunday not more than 100 meters past the 'Go Ape' bit on the first fire road out.

Sure it ruined my ride as my bike was now muddy and I was wet but I thought I'd see if the pedal could be fixed before returning it to where I bought it.

Mountain Trax is not more than 10 minutes from Swinley Forest so I thought I'd ask them (I checked a few bike shops and MTX web-site to make sure they were open on a Sunday) if they could do anything, maybe with the intention of catching up with my buds that had continued without me.

I walked in, had a look around and admired the shiny stuff and new showroom layout (careful to avoid looking at 29'ers encase I came over all Greenpeace) and then went to the counter.

I asked if the pedal could be fixed and the guy took a look at the pedal and said 'probably not to be honest'

What I wasn't expecting was for him to then offer to help take ownership of the issue by sending them back for me and seeing if Madison would agree it was warranty and replace them. It wasn't just what was offered but it was the fact that I hadn't bought them from them, so why should he go out of his way to help me, it wasn't just that either, it was a positive, can do, will do, want to help attitude that impressed me the most...

I've been in a similar situation several times in the past where the shop won't even talk to you unless you have a receipt, proof of purchase or something similar.

I've not shopped in Mountaintrax for several years now, not for any other reason other than that they are not my localist LBS but this level of service and dedication to customers was very welcome and I would recommend them to anyone in the Bracknell / Wokingham / Reading area.

Well done fella, good work.
