Avid Juicy 3 Brake Service?

MBUK1000 Posts: 6
edited March 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hey Everyone!

The time has come to give my Avid Juicy 3 Brakes a big service!! I know how to bleed them so that is not the issue. Was just wondering, how do I get the old pistons out and once I have done that how do I get the new ones in??

I understand that I need to use a track pump to remove the old pistons, but not sure what the correct procedure is etc. Also heard that a Marzocchi Air Valve Adaptor can be helpful, but how? Please could you give me any information you know.

Secondly, once their out how do I get the new ones back in? Is it as easy as lubing it all with some DOT Fluid and pushing them back, or does it require some special press??

Thanks guys, much appreciated.



  • lasty
    lasty Posts: 218
    I really struggled to shift mine (`7s) ...
    Assuming the `3s` split , i drilled a tiny hole in the central `pip` of the piston and screwed in a tapered screw until the pistons split and could be removed in pieces . Bloody butcherous i know but it was that or scrap the calipers ...
    Now rebuilt and tickety-boo . (the seal kit came with pistons so no big loss .)
  • baznav73
    baznav73 Posts: 111
    with the fluid in the systen put a 4mm allen key in between the pistons and pump them out untill they touch the allen key, then split the caliper and pull the pistons out with long nose pliers, and yes just lube the new ones with dot fluid and push them in keeping the square when you do so.