My CAAD10 105

SR7492 Posts: 190
edited March 2012 in Road beginners
Picked up my CAAD10 105 over the weekend (after several weeks of waiting)

Thanks to all who gave me their advice at the begining of January (thumbs up)

Not had a chance to take it out as it was raining yesterday but can't wait to see what it can do over the coming weeks.

I've tried posting a picture but not sure what I am supposed to do, any help?



  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Not had a chance to take it out as it was raining yesterday

    They look like great bikes, and one of the best things about them is they're made from water resistant materials so you can ride them in the rain without any issues.
  • SR7492
    SR7492 Posts: 190
    Thanks for the comment but I've promised myself to keep it to tip top condition which means I don't want to be out in the rain with it, instead I'll use the MTB.

  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Absolutely pointless. So you only get to enjoy it for probably 3 months of the year. Water wont damage it you know!
  • SR7492
    SR7492 Posts: 190
    I know, I do sound like a girl but I'm pretty sure once I've got used to it then I will be taken her out more often.

    I don't mind a little rain, I probably meant more when it is chucking it down.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    styxd wrote:
    Absolutely pointless. So you only get to enjoy it for probably 3 months of the year. Water wont damage it you know!

    Crikey! What country do you live in? Here in the UK most days are dry - we are even heading towards drought!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Crikey! What country do you live in?

    Gods country - Cumbria

    Perhaps it only rains when I ride my bike
  • Rolf F wrote:
    styxd wrote:
    Absolutely pointless. So you only get to enjoy it for probably 3 months of the year. Water wont damage it you know!

    Crikey! What country do you live in? Here in the UK most days are dry - we are even heading towards drought!

    Rolf F - Glad to hear of your lovely weather - why not pop up North for a visit sometime; lovely routes around here (PS - bring an umbrella! :D ).

    styxd - get out and ride it - it will dry off you know and you will get to spend more time with it drying and lubing it lovingly.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Rolf F - Glad to hear of your lovely weather - why not pop up North for a visit sometime; lovely routes around here (PS - bring an umbrella! ).

    styxd - get out and ride it - it will dry off you know and you will get to spend more time with it drying and lubing it lovingly.

    You what? RolfF appears to live in Leeds which i'd say is "up North"

    And its not my bike to ride.

    Please engage your brain and read things properly before posting silly replies.
  • Sorry styxd - I did read the posts it's using the quote function confused me Rolf F s quote of your comment and I forgot to track the comment on using the bike back to the OP.

    Must confess I didn't notice Rolf F is in Leeds - so my mistake again, apologies - but now I am even more cofnused how can it be dry to near drought levels in Leeds but damp and dreary in Darlington!
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Apology accepted :D
  • damo2576
    damo2576 Posts: 236
    How do these new CAAD's compare to the older USA ones, Optimo 1/2 etc?
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    You could go out on the older ones in the rain! :wink:
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    The new ones are not proper ones.....lights blue touch paper and stands back......
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    I thought it was only Carbon melted in the rain?
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    Come on SR7492, where are the pic's you said you'd post once you took delivery?

  • joshr96
    joshr96 Posts: 153
    The rain sometimes puts me off aswell. Not because of the chance of getting wet, but of the chance of slipping on smooth paths and breaking my arse infront of people. 8)
    Carrera TDF 2011 Limited Edition.
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