2 x 10 chainring, worth it?

divingmoose Posts: 540
edited March 2012 in MTB general
Okay guys,

Have many of you gone from triple chainring to 2. I am thinking of maybe ditiching the large chainring on my Kona Hei Hei 100. I am thinking for most trail riding and eduro events the 2 x 10 setup is best. What do people think and is it a simple thing to change over.



  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,777
    It's certainly simple, you just need some thinner chainring bolts (assuming your 2 smaller rings are in good condition) and a few mins of spannering to set up the front mech again.

    I ve done it, but i ll be honest and say that was because i was skint and saved money buying two slightly larger rings and no outer ring. I'm also living in Holland at the mo so it's pretty flat. I went to Germany to do a marathon and I confess I did miss three rings (for all of 400m or so on a steep road decent where I spun out and on the last horrible draggy grass climb). It works well, but its no revolution. I think for that you need to go with a dedicated and designed 2 ring system
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I just dumped the big ring and stuck a bash on (mainly because I couldn't resist a Kona one I found on Ebay). It's 2x9, just 22/32 but works for me. Only ever used the big ring on road bits anyway, which wasn't very often.
    But I tend to spin - haven't got young or strong enough legs to mash.
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  • bigpee
    bigpee Posts: 205
    I've just replaced my old Firex triple with a SLX double and bash combination (22/36). Only been out for two rides and typically on the first ride there was a downhill blast along a road - first time I've ever needed the big ring and it had gone! That aside I think it's a good move. (Sadly second ride I had a stick lodged in my front mech stopping shifting and didn't realise til I got home so I ended up going round with just the 36). In terms of switching over very easy.
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  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    I've preferred doubles for years. Depends on you and the gears you use. I found 28/40 a good combination. Now run single ring and prefer that.
  • tarbot18
    tarbot18 Posts: 531
    Like cooldad i just took the outer ring off chucked a cheap ebay bash on adjust the outer limiter on your mech and take a few links out the chain jobs a goodun . I only use my bike for off road though so never used the outer ring.
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  • fat_homer
    fat_homer Posts: 470
    I went 2x9 a couple of months ago and don't regret it at all. I did buy a 34t chainring, though not sure how much difference it has made. What I did find is the front mech was a right PITA to set up, loads of messing around with indexing and had to drop it about 5mm in the end. Still not got it perfect but its working which is the main thing but think I'll buy a double specific when the current one wears out or I go 10s.
  • mrmonkfinger
    mrmonkfinger Posts: 1,452
    njee20 wrote:
    Now run single ring and prefer that.

    11-36 x what - 32,34,36?
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    11-36 x what - 32,34,36?

    36. Reasonably fit rider, light FS bike. If I was going to change I'd try a 38. Nice to have a bail out for the last lap of a race when you're hurting!
  • 1mancity2
    1mancity2 Posts: 2,355
    2x9 here 11-36 cassette with a 36 front ring, run out of top gears sometimes but you do get used to it, hardly use the granny (22) so concidering going single up front.
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  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    2x9 here 11-36 cassette

    Either you've bodged the cassette, are running 10 speed or it's not 11-36...
  • felix.london
    felix.london Posts: 4,067
    Just pressed the button!

    Going from 3x9 (11-34) Deore to 2x10 (11-32) SLX/XT/XTR setup (plus a 'shox Reverb :D )
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  • 1mancity2
    1mancity2 Posts: 2,355
    njee20 wrote:
    2x9 here 11-36 cassette

    Either you've bodged the cassette, are running 10 speed or it's not 11-36...

    11-34 opps!!!
    Finished, Check out my custom Giant Reign 2010
    Dirt Jumper Dmr Sidekick2
  • jehosophat
    jehosophat Posts: 108
    edited March 2012
    I keep pondering this and bought one of the larger-ringed 5-bolt XTR M952 chainsets with the aim of shaving the teeth off the outer ring to use as a bash, and running the middle/inner (can't recall if it is 24/34 or 24/36 but one of those two) with a 11-34 9sp casette. On the Blur at places like CYB I rarely use the large ring and it does hit rock occasionally...

    Trouble is, on all my bikes (I run 24/34/46 front) I use all the rings on all my local rides. I'm not a large/powerful rider, but do have to ride some road to get to the good stuff. I need at least 24/30 as a low gear.

    I'll try it this spring (have loads of XTR M950-3 stuff in the garage and it's easy to swap it about) - the main advantage I imagine is less time spent worrying what front ring you are in. Weight savings are negligible (I just weighed a middle anbd outer spare ring at 55 and 85g respectively).
  • felix.london
    felix.london Posts: 4,067
    I had two test bikes out last summer, both with 2x10 setup and just loved the simplicity of it. Little ring to climb, Big ring to come down

    And yeah the same, have had a fair few rock/root strikes that have caught me out on my 3x9 setup. There's one trail I ride where there's a 2km down hill bit of road to get to it which I'll miss flooring it down but I can live with that for the other benefits

    - Being able to use the whole of a 10speed cassette no matter what ring your in is the most obvious one...
    "Why have that extra tooth if you're not using it?" - Brian Lopes

    Votec V.SX Enduro 'Alpine Thug' 2012/2013 build

    Trek Session 8
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    can't recall if it is 24/34 or 24/36 but one of those two

    5-arm M952s were 26/36/48. 4-arm ones were 24/34/46.
    Going from 3x9 (11-34) Deore to 2x10 (11-32)

    Why did you get that cassette? There's no advantage to 10 speed at all unless you go for the 11-36 cassette. You could have stuck with 9 speed and saved a chunk of money! You've just made your gear ratios significantly narrower than they were...
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,777
    ^It's a switch I'm thinking of making when the current lot wears out, not long to go now....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • milfredo
    milfredo Posts: 322
    (I'm sure I posted this yesterday)

    I currently run a 2X9 with 34 22 & 11 32 setup and wouldn't mind trying a 1X10 setup. Could I simply buy a 10 speed cassette, mech, shifter and chain and only use one ring on the front or will I run into issues?

    Also what size front ring would get me close to the same ratios I have now?

  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    32t ring with 11-36 cassette would mean you'd lose out on your easiest 2 and a bit gears from your current set up, and your top gear.
  • milfredo
    milfredo Posts: 322
    So I might need some bigger legs on the climbs but would the 9 speed crank be OK or would the chainline be well off?
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Be fine - use the middle ring position.
  • milfredo
    milfredo Posts: 322
    Nice one & thanks for tha advice!