First Sportive - mixed feelings!

nick300zx Posts: 219
edited March 2012 in Road beginners
Just completed the Evans Sportive. It was my first one, I've been regurlarly doing 45mile rides so I thought I'd go for the 60 miler. Did it with 5 more experienced and fitter friends.
The weather was crap early on lots of rain and fog.
Now the main reason I chose this for my first was it was classed as a level 2. If this is only a level 2 it's gonna be a long time before I'm good enough to do another one. Some of the hills seemed huge, I ended up walking up a couple of the bigger ones. Well disappointed. The only good things were that I completed the mileage, eventually, my longest distance and that one of my fitter mates got left and ended up doing the short route. Mind you didn't see much of the other four.
Thanks for all the positive comments from all who passed me (a lot of people), I was the knackered old git on the Bianchi!
Lots more training needed methinks.


  • Hello Nick, Did you enjoy the ride, if so keep at it you will only get better and before long you will be waiting at the top of climbs for your mates, and that is the best feeling in the world.
  • nick300zx
    nick300zx Posts: 219
    Hello Nick, Did you enjoy the ride, if so keep at it you will only get better and before long you will be waiting at the top of climbs for your mates, and that is the best feeling in the world.

    On reflection I did actually enjoy it, just disappointed with myself for having to walk some hills. Certainly not gonna give up, Ive got the bug

  • nickel
    nickel Posts: 476
    I wouldn't worry at all, you completed your first 60 miler and thats a big milestone for any cyclist, I remember when I did mine I just about wobbled home and collapsed for the rest of the day! As maxandpaddy said, with more practice hills will become easier an you'll soon be powering up them!
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    Well done on completing it. Don't be downbeat about one ride going slightly south. It does happen and quite often when stepping up a level in some way.
    Is it possible that you set off a bit too hard with your fitter mates? That can really throw a ride out of whack.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    well done - its all a learning curve. On my first proper sportive with hills I was totally out of my depth, and like you had to walk - made me realise just how much I needed to improve - I was kicking myself for all those odd days I missed when I could have been riding to improve. And like you I was gutted I didnt meet all my goals - and like you I said i'm not giving up and went back the next year to conquer it. Keep at it dude, 60 miles on a club run is nothing compared the challenge of 60 miles on a sportive which by its nature is more of a challenge - to have entered into the unknown and come out wanting to do more is excellent. You did really well - now go do your next one. :)
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Pigtail
    Pigtail Posts: 424
    I'm over a year into cycling and thought I was doing reasonably well. However I had two unexpected fails on hills last year and decided to do something about it. I came to the conclusion that despite living in quite a hilly area, most of my riding was relatively flat. I've deliberately been targeting hills since and it has made a big difference. I also changed my rear cassette from a 12-25 to an 11-28 to help, but I'm not really sure it made much difference. Once I improved a bit I then changed it back.

    So keep at it - target your weaknesses and next year you'll sail up it!
  • nick300zx
    nick300zx Posts: 219
    Thanks for all the positive replies folks. It really makes a difference knowing that others have been there as well.
    I probably did set off too quickly. Also lost my big gear (27) after a crappy muddy, almost offroad section, so had to try the hills with the 25. Mind you that's no excuse I don't think a 35 would have helped!
    I felt fine with the distance so I'm going to target my training more towards climbing. I'm actually looking forward to it which can't be a bad thing after yesterday.

    Thanks again
  • StorckSpeed
    StorckSpeed Posts: 291
    Hi Nick,
    Well done on completing your first sportive.
    I completed my first sportive 3 years ago and it damn near killed me. I started off too fast got cramps with 15 miles to go and had to walk up the steepest parts of the last hill, got back on my bike for the last 500m a crossed the line. At the finish line I fell off the bike and burst into tears, (a mixture of pride and relief I think) and swore I would never do it again. The next year I was back, paced the ride correctly and didn't walk. First year I averaged 14mph and it took over 7hrs to complete the 100mile course, last time (3rd attempt) I averaged 18mph and it took 5.5hrs.
    Rather than feel disheartened, treat it as a challenge, you've learned the lessons, set the time and now you know what you have to do to get a PB.
    Keep at it, with experience and knowledge of the course it does get easier, honest. But the emotions when you finish are just as strong.
    There's warp speed - then there's Storck Speed
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Has anyone asked the most important question, who won?
  • nick300zx
    nick300zx Posts: 219
    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Has anyone asked the most important question, who won?

    Certainly wasn't me. Turns out one of my mates got completely lost and ended up at Guildford train station! Made me feel better anyway :D
  • Well done and keep at it.
    It's early season and all rides like that will be a big effort. I've found myself having to walk up a climb at this time of year as were many many others. After a crappy few months of no real cycling you will find your well behind where you left off.
    Don't be discouraged. Give yourself a few targets for the year and you'll be so much stronger a rider by the end of the year.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • looe
    looe Posts: 12
    I have my first Sportive in April and that is Cornwall Tor 76 mile and over 12000 feet ascent, am I worried? Oh yes I am
    CUBE Touring 2010
    Trek 1200
    CYCLESPORT1 Posts: 471
    How can you have a "Winner" it's not a race :wink::wink:
    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Has anyone asked the most important question, who won?