Should I Cycle to the Knee Clinic

seataltea Posts: 594
edited March 2012 in The bottom bracket
Having finally been referred to the lower limb clinic and X Ray'd I have an appt this afternoon.

It's my day off, the sun is cracking the flags and the clinic is 10 miles away.

If I didn't have the appt I'd be out riding, with all the 'little bits moving about in my knee like gravel feeling' that this brings.

If I turn up at the clinic on the bike will they take me seriously ?
'nulla tenaci invia est via'
Boardman HT Pro fully X0'd
CUBE Peleton 2012
Genesis Aether 20 all season commuter


  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Not if you don't want them to look at you like you're a cok, no.
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    Know that I should say enjoy the weather and get out on your bike, plus won't be paying heavy parking prices & the environmental benefits are good. Have to agree with Yossie that it probably wouldn't be the best idea.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    Not sure what's going on with yr knee, although from previous experience - if it's a case of the damage already having been done & any activity doesn't cause you any pain, go for it - if it's stray cartillage shrapnel from a tear it may be fine as long as it isn't causing you any pain. If it's painful however, i'd stay off it - that probably means you're making it worse.

    If on the other hand, if you're still at the investigative stage where they don't know what's up, i'd stay on the safe side & stay off the bike in the meantime. As you're going for an x-ray i'd assume they're checking for hard tissue damage first (fractures, chipped bones & the like) before booking you in for an MRI to check for soft tissue damage (torn cartillage etc.)

    Had various knee problems over the last 10 years & would recommend exercising caution until you know what's wrong for definite, hope it turns out well!

    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    i used to ride to my pre and post op lower limb classes,it was the least painful of the excercises,no knees locking up or popping out,the physio thought it was great i was getting excercise pre op to keep the little amount of muscle i had .
    at the end of the day,pre acl and cartlige ops i could only lightly pedal so the 30mile round trip was a good warm up/cool down for all the squats ,lunges,step ups etc......
    now sharing my plods on
  • graham.
    graham. Posts: 862
    Had to have surgery on my right knee about 4 years ago. some of the symptoms returned last month.
    I knew there was a cycling doc at my medical center so made an apointment, he made an imediate appointment for a ctc scan, and when I asked if I should carry on cycling in the meantime said "Absolutley, you'll do more harm walking on it, but obviously stop if it becomes painful."
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    I cycled to radiotherapy appointments last year, they thought I was mad (nothing new there then). After of week of treatment I went in on the Monday and they asked if I had any side affects. I complained that it had slowed my average down 1mph on my 30mile Sunday run (exasperated looks all round) :D
  • im guessing they were shocked you only done 30 miles! :P

    i am! lol. RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    im guessing they were shocked you only done 30 miles! :P
    i am! lol.
    I forgot to add the 50% markup on distance, doh. :D