Anyone doing the Evans ride it sportive this saturday?

JamesFree Posts: 703
Anyone doing the Evans ride it sportive this saturday?

Thought I would get in some last minute miles before i'm off on holiday.


  • I'll be there on the Sunday for the 60 miler. First Sportive and first 60 mile ride too. Should be interesting.
  • padders
    padders Posts: 77
    Yup, I put myself down for the Saturday long route, just downloaded the gpx onto the Garmin... might have to go a little easier than normal on the beer tonight.
  • I am doing Saturday 90m ride.

    I tried to take it easy on my commute today (40m return) but legs feeling like jelly after a heavy week. Not sure if I can cope tomorrow.

    Good sleep, no alcohol and a lot of food is my plan tonight.
  • JamesFree
    JamesFree Posts: 703
    I'm doing the 60miler on Saturday but have to cycle 15 miles there and then back afterwards.

    Im having problem with the .gpx/.tcx file that is for the Garmin 500, im unable to view it correctly. Then the non garmin device uploads fine but shows only 86km of the route and then garmin 800 route seems to upload the whole course but not sure it will work on the actual device
  • padders
    padders Posts: 77
    Back home with a beer in hand and sore legs, 94 miles in 5:53, probably should have gone a bit easier on the beers the night before!

    Still, apart from the weather being grim and poor visibility for the first hour or so, it turned out to be a great ride.
  • JamesFree
    JamesFree Posts: 703
    Where on you the Hub geared Genesis ? wise bike choice for a day like that!!

    If so saw you a few times (you passed me when I was fixing my puncture, and then passed you just after the feed stop).
  • padders
    padders Posts: 77
    That was me; despite the Alfine 11 being amazingly well behave since November and plenty of miles, it gave me a few issues on that ride, a bit of fettling was required to get myself around without slipping and missing gears.

    I nearly chose not to turn off for the 90 as I was approaching the junction, glad I stuck to my guns in the end as the weather picked up.

    Were you on the blue PX?
  • JamesFree
    JamesFree Posts: 703
    Yup was on the blue Planet X was ready to throw in the towel when I got a puncture and then another straight away due to me not removing the offending lump of flint.

    Would have been a nice route if it was dryer but as soon as it rained it was turned into a muddy/gritty swamp and slowed me to a crawl on the decents.
  • Specially white down lane decent was scary, I was probably descending slower than climbing up!

    Bottle of Teacher's the night before didn't help me either but still happy with my 6.00.37!