Tour de France by Motorhome & Leige Advice

kitersteve Posts: 15
edited April 2012 in Pro race
Travelling in a motorhome to watch the Tour kick off in Leige with my wife and 8 year old who is also a bike nut. Hoping to watch next couple of stages as well.
Any advice on
1/ Following the tour in a motorhome generally?
2/ Practicalities of getting to the tour route and seeing the action? eg parking 20 miles away riding in?
3/ Practicalities of getting to the start area/tour village and what I might see (if we cycle in will the bikes then be a liability in the start area due to people congestion)
4/ Road cycling in the area as i hope to get some in while their, any good?
5/ Anything that's a must do or see in the area?
6/ Any recommended campsites in the area although likely I am way to late in the day to get in now?
7/ Anything else?

Cheers Steve


  • yer gran
    yer gran Posts: 186
    Campsite about 10kms dead south of Liege. Seemed ok, but I'm not very fussy. Cant remember name of village without map. Ardennes spectacular. La Roche en Ardennes worth a visit. Great riding. I rode into Liege surrounded by Tour riders warming up and locked onto railings by the river along with hundreds of others. Wont get far on the actual Tour route in a vehicle on race day, but you can cycle on the closed route up to about an hour before the caravan arrives. Gendarmes will let you know.
  • Thanks for that, very helpful I will try and find the site
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    Hi Steve, There are loads of camp sites around the area, especially if you are happy to cycle into Liege/Vise. It's very close to the Dutch border so this site may be useful:

    Liege itself is a bit of an acquired taste but the area around is very nice. Cycling is great. If you have any specific questions, like places for kids to visit, just drop me a PM.

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