one of those moments on a ride when you feel good :-)

ianbar Posts: 1,354
edited February 2012 in Road beginners
just wanted to share really. we have a local climb not massive or anything but a cat 5 and for me a decent challenge, while last summer i ended up pretty strong on it i really am not that fit at the moment and have not been hitting the climbs at all really. well...headed off today and thought yeah ill give it a go, and really it felt pretty easy going if honest really suprised myself! given me a bit of a good boost which i needed! funny how one monet can give you such a high(just like one can give you such a low). it could have also just been the fish and chips that i shouldn't have had last night! :D
enigma esprit
cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012


  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    It's a great feeling ain't it, let's hope there's many more to come in spring and summer
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    I'm guessing this was a dream right?
  • EarlyGo
    EarlyGo Posts: 281
    Yes, don't you just love that feeling as you crest the top and it was all easier than you expected? I always feel like I go down the other side 5mph quicker too!

    ShutUpLegs - you are far too cynical!!


  • ianbar wrote:
    just wanted to share really. we have a local climb not massive or anything but a cat 5 and for me a decent challenge, while last summer i ended up pretty strong on it i really am not that fit at the moment and have not been hitting the climbs at all really. well...headed off today and thought yeah ill give it a go, and really it felt pretty easy going if honest really suprised myself! given me a bit of a good boost which i needed! funny how one monet can give you such a high(just like one can give you such a low). it could have also just been the fish and chips that i shouldn't have had last night! :D

    Thats called a tail wind :P
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    no tail wind but the sun did come out in my eyes half way up and i only had clear shades on and so nearly ran over a running coming down the hill!
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    It's a great sign of getting stronger. I only started cycling just under two years ago and most hills were a struggle. Most of those same hills aren't now, including climbs like Wynatts Pass. I'm even clocking KoM times on Strava now...and that's overall, not in my age category! It's a great feeling isn't it? :D

  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    everyone seems to use this strava thingy i must have a look into it!
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • I had an experience on a local climb a few months back. It's a 3/4 mile climb fairly testing for beginners like myself. I am on the bottom 1/3rd of the hill when 3 guys overtake me on raod bikes I'm on my winter hack a Boarbman Hybrid coverted to drops. The front guy goes off he way way to quick for me but I was able to up my speed a little to stay with the other 2 guys. Half way up they have slowed and I think I normally go quiker than this but i didn't want to overtake them only to be overtaken again at the top so I stayed behind.

    3/4's of the way up the young guy in front of me I'd say late 20's is pedaling sqares he is bearly moving and right out in the middle of the road and looks like he about to keal over. I had no cjoice but to pass him I pass the next guy who is also srtuggling but not suffering as much as his friand. I ride away from them 50 to 60 yards and then comes across the fast guy who stopped at the top to let his friends catch up. I say killer hill that and he says yeh but good fun though. I ride away and look back 1/4 of a mile and there is no sign of the 3 guys. That's the first time I have ever overtaken a guy on a hill and rode away from him. What made it really satisfying was they overtook me but couldn't make it stick. 3 years ago I was walking up that hill pushing my MTB and I am 56 years old made my day.