Even my tyres have been celebrating pancake day

walkingbootweather Posts: 2,443
edited February 2012 in Commuting chat
Woke up this morning to a lovely day. Blue skies, slight breeze and warm enough for short sleeves, so set the mp3 player to Sarah McLachan (I'm a mellow, sensitive guy) and took the longer and prettier mostly off-road route.

Running marathon XRs so haven't had a p*ncture for months, but ran over a small branch and a 2 inch thorn embedded into my front tyre. I'd become complacent and not checked kit recently so relieved to find a new spare inner tube in my bag. Unfortunately this was faulty and remained flat after 10 minutes of effort. Relieved that I has got a p*ncture repair kit, that the rubber solution hadn't completely dried out, and patches were still sticky, I set about fixing the original tube.

Back on the bike, the tube is half inflated before I manage to knacker the valve meaning air is escaping quicker than I can pump it in. 3 miles back home or 6 miles forward to the nearest lbs I decide to return home and take the car (never aborted a commute before).

So what have I learnt?

Reinforced tyres reduce the number of p*nctures but are not infalible.
Check kit properly
I am not quite as mellow and sensitive as I thought I was, and Sarah McLachan can get really annoying.
Nobody told me we had a communication problem


  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Take two spare inner tubes.

    I have ever since exactly the same thing happened to me one night.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,771
    I only keep 1 spare tube and glueless patches. In the last 2 years I've had 1 deflation which was caused by a drawing pin I'd picked up. If the worse come to the worse my usual commutes are between 5 and 6 miles so it's not that far.