Yesterday was a landmark day for me...

twonks Posts: 352
edited February 2012 in MTB general
...being as it was the first day since August the 18th 2011 that I have rode a bike outside.

Following my slight 'off' back in August which resulted in a total rupture of my left achilles tendon, I've not been near the bike off road.

Docs said 12 months before I consider serious off roading, but yesterday I managed a 35 minute ride with the wife around the local woods.

Nothing too serious, although I stood on the pedals (clipped in) for a few metres and managed to power up a few slippy hills at around 80% effort.

Bit of a pointless thread if I'm honest, but I just wanted to let the world know riding a bike off road is immense :)

All on my newly built up Ragley Piglet as well.


  • chez_m356
    chez_m356 Posts: 1,893
    feels good to be able to do stuff again, doesn't it, i did my right one back in 96
    Specialized Hardrock Sport Disc 10- CANYON Nerve AM 6 2011
  • Congrats on the recovery, I had that same feeling after some knee problems kept me off the bike for a few months last year. First ride back, although slow as hell compared to everyone else I was with, was amazing for me.

    keep pushing hard enough to recover, but not hard enough to re-lapse
  • Nice one!

    Currently recovering myself, after an off in October.

    Sounds like I've had a similar idea to you too. I'm in the process of building the Edison up as an incentive to get better.

    GL for a continued speedy recovery.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    Nice one! I spent 6 weeks off the bike due to a broken wrist last september and it was horrible. Such a good feeling to get back out on a bike, even if it's just on the road. Hope you get back up to full fitness soon mate :)
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • Well done to you!

    I broke my right leg in 4 places on 28 April 2008, the result was a plate and 11 screws to fix it.
    Got back on the bike for the first time on 29 July 2008 and I remember the feeling of accomplishment after doing a 26 mile ride along the Bristol - Bath cycleway.

    Every ride on the road to recovery is a milestone!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Nice one! I wasn't riding pushbikes when I broke my hip, but I remember the first time I could get back on the motorbike like it was yesterday.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • twonks
    twonks Posts: 352
    Thanks for the replies and kind words.

    It's slightly funny how most people not connected with cycling simply can't understand my desire to get back on and pedal after the accident, and instead assume I am going to quit my hobby of 25 years....

    ....erm, not a chance :mrgreen:

    If I had injured myself as a direct result of doing the actual activity then maybe I'd think about it, but to suffer as a result of a freak accident doesn't put me off at all.

    Bring on the proper hills in a few months. :)
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    When I broke my wrist (as a result of riding), my mum said to me "I hope you're going to stop doing it now"! Bugger that!!
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • My father in law ended up in hospital last summer for a week in ICU due to brain swelling from smacking his head on the ground after coming through a corner and sliding out on some gravel in the middle of the street. The day he got back out from hospital and felt good, we went for a ride. My wife and mother in law hated us. They just don't understand it.
  • Been there a few times both with biking and squash which I have had to finally give up(maybe)
    Twisted my knee last year trying to make yet another "comeback" at squash having given up for the 3rd time due to a dodgy back. That was a month or2 off the bike and is still niggling.
    Year before I broke a bone in my hand which was 2mths off the bike and a few more painfull ones till the bone and fingers healed properly.
    I think it was 2005 I came of the bike and broke my collar bone, that was 8wks off the bike but I was back playing squash for my team (and winning games) before that. It was absolut agony but my physio ok`d it and the consultant was impressed by my quick recovery(he did not know about the squash :wink: )
    Then there has been the odd chest infection where staying off the bike during the worst of the winter has been the only way to shift it. Being asthmatic not helping in that respect.
    Past few weeks spent attending to elderly parents has meant a bad start to this year. With a biking holiday in France booked for July some intensive biking will be required to get fitness up and weight down :roll:
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    They just don't understand it.

    I finally convinced my folks I think... You've either got to do what you want to do and deal with the risk of ending up crippled or dead. Or, you can live your life as if you're already crippled or dead. Shouldn't be a hard decision.

    Bit harder to convince my consultant though. "Cycling eh? Well a little gentle road riding should be fine" :mrgreen:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • AMcK
    AMcK Posts: 79

    Minor in comparison but I've not been out off-road yet this year, after tearing cartilage in my left knee and undergoing keyhole surgery.

    The consultant saw my eyes light up when he said that I could get back on a bike and forced me to agree to take 'baby-steps'. That was two weeks ago, and physio and gym sessions have been going well so.... Friday is the date (wish it was today though, it's glorious outside). Can't wait.
    2011 Black Canyon Nerve XC9.0