Help needed to put a downloaded ride on my Garmin 800!

howieduck Posts: 16
edited February 2012 in Road beginners
I will willingly admit to being technically inept!
I just cannot get the damn thing to take a downloaded ride.
I have the ride downloaded to my computer - but can't transfer it with Garmin training centre.
Any help gratefully received - and I can't remember directions with maps! and the garmin is too expensive not to use it!!
Anybody help me out?



  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    You need to load it into Training Centre (File>Import to current Use Account>Courses)

    then select the button that looks like an arrow going into the "edge"

    Try that first, If it does nt work then we have to be a it more advanced and put it through TCX Converter, Where did you get it from btw...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Thanks ddraver.
    It was a gift!
    But I can't use it!
    I can get it into Garmin Training centre but absolutely nothing I try will get it onto the Garmin! (mInd you I can't get it into courses - just activities)
    Any ideas?
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    Download TCX Converter and run it through that - sometimes something really strange happens if the "ride" is in the past...Import the file, let it's do it's thing and save it again. Then do the above again...

    Did you get the route off of bikely per chance?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ben16v
    ben16v Posts: 296
    i just drag the route/file from your desktop into the new activities section of the 800 memory - then it appears in courses
    i need more bikes
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    ben16v wrote:
    i just drag the route/file from your desktop into the new activities section of the 800 memory - then it appears in courses

    This doesn't always work in my experience and I haven't figured out why yet.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • rch30
    rch30 Posts: 20
    Try uploading the file to a mapping site ie Bikehike etc and the download the route inthe format you choose direct to your unit.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    rch30 wrote:
    Try uploading the file to a mapping site ie Bikehike etc and the download the route inthe format you choose direct to your unit.

    Thanks. That's what I do but I can't fathom out why some files copied directly into the NewFiles folder convert automatically into courses on startup, while others don't. :?
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Here's my work around. It's a tad longwinded, but it works every time.

    Create a course in bikeroutetoaster.

    Download that course as a .tcx file.

    Find said file and name it. (I have to do this on a mac as it never downloads with the name I specified in BRT).

    Open Garmin Training centre.

    Import your .tcx file.

    Then click on device>>> send to device and hey presto, your route will appear on your 800.

    So far this is the only foolproof method I've found. On the 705 you could just send the course direct from BRT, but that doesn't seem to work on the 800.
  • Thank you all for your help.
    My file is now safely in the Garmin ready for Sunday!
    Now all I have to so is pedal and follow it.
    If only it were that easy !