Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

yarpyarpyarp Posts: 3
edited February 2012 in The bottom bracket

yeah you're thinking what I'm thinking...


  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    What Cav and Wiggo need to lay off the steriods.

    No thats just stupid wouldnt see Cav and Wiggo in the same track team.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    I think you'll find young man that I was thinking it first. It ain't called the Red Button service for nothing y'know. :wink:
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    I'm thinking 1st post troll, or I'll go with it and say great cyclists but not worth their spot in 'Girls In'
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,629
    I was looking at the bottom half of this picture, between the waist and knee. Turn on/turn off, not sure yet.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    In the words of my wife - "Are all women cyclists flat chested?"
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    They 're not flat chested , they ' re Aero.

    I Know how difficult it is to TT with Moobs.
  • batch78 wrote:
    I'm thinking 1st post troll...
    Not troll, but just incognito.

    My thought is: "Hubba hubba!"
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    No, Still not sure what I'm thinkin'.