Really cheap bikes?

woodenman Posts: 60
edited February 2012 in MTB buying advice
Hi guys , i just been on a site looking at mountain bikes and they are really really cheap. I know its a foreign site Indonesian based i think and there will be shipping issues, costs but a giant trance x1 2011 for £825.00 wtf?
Am i missing something or what?


  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Do not touch with a shitty stick. 100% Scam.

    Indonesian (as they often are for some reason).

    Satria Nugroho (
    Jl Keriahen No123
    Sumatra Utara,20141
    Tel. +62.620000000
    Fax. +62.620000000
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    SCAM! There are loads of these sites. The goods don't exist and if you give them card details you can say goodbye to your money. If it seems too good to be true...
  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    i would say steer well clear it sounds like a scam..

    i just tried to get a santacruz driver 8 and a trek scratch air.. it let me get to the checkout page to enter my details, which of course i did not do...

    now santacruz do'nt permit other countries to sell & ship there bike to a country were there is already an established dealership... (alarm bell no 1)

    and someone correct me here if i wrong but trek dont allow there bikes to be sold onlines or sold via mail order you can only buy in store) (alarm ball no 2)

    oh and the fact that it's indonesia alarm bell no 3..

    if it sounds to could to be true it usually is...
  • Ha ha yes there were a few alarm bells ringing i must admit , i wasn't sure about giving my details anyway and certainly not my bank details!! I just wanted to be sure i wasn't missing a bargain.
    Cheers guys!!!!!!
  • CFS
    CFS Posts: 124
    I like the completely irrelevant silhouette of a woman at the top of the page.
    Shot by both sides...
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    and someone correct me here if i wrong but trek dont allow there bikes to be sold onlines or sold via mail order you can only buy in store) (alarm ball no 2)


    Not to mention the fact these 'shops' usually have every bike you could imagine.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    delcol wrote:
    now santacruz do'nt permit other countries to sell & ship there bike to a country were there is already an established dealership... (alarm bell no 1)
    Though this kind of practice (grey market blocking) does bug me. Protects their regional markets, but also ensures prices remain high. And should be noted that it would be illegal for SC to do that from one EU country to another as EU laws prevent this.

    Don't know how widespread or not it is with bikes, but in other markets they try but often fail and you can get some perfectly genuine products via grey market imports at reasonably cheap prices (e.g. imports of CDs, DVDs, and cameras / lenses - just based on what I tend to import! :D), particularly from Hong Kong. You have to find the dealers out there that are reputable and are offering genuine products. No warranty though (except with camera lenses which are often honoured worldwide, but not cameras!), and subject to import VAT & Duty which if you get hit negates the bargain.

    With bikes I'd expect if they're genuine the shipping costs make it prohibitive. Fakes, easy as they get them knocked out in China for next to nothing, and then you have the scam sites which have no goods to offer anyway.

    As already said, if it's too good to be true...
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Assuming they are legit, you still have vat and duty on top. I think this is a scraper scam