try before you buy ???



  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Briggo wrote:
    I 'tried' the Whyte before I bought it, but to be honest riding around on it for 5 mins up and down the road isn't a test.

    I didn't try the Stumpy before I bought it and if anything it fits slightly better than the Whyte does as I studied the geometry more on that one.

    I do always find it funny on here how when someone says "which bike should I get" everyone replies with "try them" when knowing full well you can't or if you can its a piddly little test around the car park which gives no indication, and then so far with this survey it shows less people tried before they buy.

    or you go toa test day because you have some common sense.

    There are loads of test days arranged around thr country where you can get your hands on a fair few bikes to actually ride around a trail :) as i said tested my bikes on the July trail at afan :)

    Because everyone lives within a reasonable distance of where they're held or has the time to go on a particular day.

    For example -

    Blimey, look at all those dates theres so many and they're all over the country, out of 365 days of the year 15 days are covered.

    Hell, why not go to Germany to try them out.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    First few bikes I had were bought by the folks when I was just a lad so no trying before they bought. Not really a problem though they were just used on the road.

    Bought piece of unmentionable a decade or two ago based on clueless not knowing about bikes, never tried it. Was cheap, was crap. Still when I finally took it off road I got the bug.

    It fell apart of course so got the GT. Just from reviews and spec, didn't try it other than at the shop. Worked out a great bike. Really liked that.

    Being from Surrey though "I need a more expensive bike", so got the Nomad. That I did a proper demo ride. Take out for the day on the trails. For that kind of money it's nuts not to try them!

    Then got the C456 frame to build up from spare parts. Picked that from spec based on comparing geometry, and from reviews. Hard to try them really, though apparently there are a couple of places that stock them but don't think you can just go and demo. Besides, building myself any other I try will not be the same bike. Turns out it's a great bike, really love it. Riding it more often than I expected.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Not all bikes can be tested, even those that can be tested can't be tested in enough places.

    Of all my bikes, I'd testridden one before I bought it, and I'd ridden a comparable model to one before I bought it. All the rest were educated guesses. And even then, not always very correct guesses but they mostly worked out. I bought my Hemlock because I thought it'd be like a full suss version of my Soul. It really really wasn't. But it was still fab luckily!
    Uncompromising extremist