Mobile Bike Mechanic

John Flanagan
John Flanagan Posts: 46
edited February 2012 in MTB general
Hi All

I'm conducting a survey on the demand for mobile bike mechanics.

I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill it in.

Thank you!



  • Just done a thread recently asking how many people repair their bikes, 90% of the response was they would do pretty much anything other than wheel building. So i'm not sure there will be many on this forum site. lol.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    People who visit forums are generally more bike savvy than those that dont, so its not really an accurate demographic
  • I did think that, but there isn't a place for me to post to the uneducated!

    Thanks for the feedback anyway.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    I think there must be a demand, as there are already mobile bike mechanics out there. Good luck with it anyway (if you do decide to do it)
  • Cheers - its something I thought about last year and never did anything with (even bought the domain name)... my 9-5.30 is now an 8-9.30 and driving me mental.... I need to escape the rat race!
  • You could always post this in the "MTB beginners" section. Not saying beginners are less educated though, haha. Might just appreciate something like a Mobile Mechanic more. Less of the hardcore "know what there doing with bike stuff" type people, and could give you some more constructive feedback.