Col de tourmalet Pyrenees 1st week of may?

ollychristian Posts: 45
edited June 2012 in Tour & expedition
Does any know if col de tourmalet will be open/ rideable the first week of may 2012.
Touring from Barcelona up around Andorra and across to Santander. Would be rude not to go over the highest road!


  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    The Tourmalet usually opens first week in June, possibly last week in May.
  • In 2011 it opened on 6th May in 2010 it was 5th June. It depends on the weather. Usually you can ride up from La Mongie on the eastern side a couple of weeks before it officially opened. On the western side there is a risk of avalanche so even if the road is free of snow it can still be dangerous.

    If it is still closed you can easily go around it will be the same distance.
    Keep an eye on I regularly update about road conditions of the cols at that time of year.

    By the way, Tourmalet is not the highest road in Pyrenees by a long way.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • Tim Farr
    Tim Farr Posts: 665
    Open does not mean safe. About 10 years ago at the end of May I went up the Col d'Agnes - much lower than the Tourmalet. Just over the summit and on the way to Aulus les Bains a problem - an avalanche has blocked the road. Beautiful day, beautiful mountains, but go carefully, no chance if an avalanche takes you for a ride
    T Farr
  • This is what the Pyrenees looked like at sunrise this morning. This is the Voie Verte (Green Way) in Saint Savin, about 400m altitude. The peak on the right is Pic du Viscos, Luz Ardiden is the other side of the peak.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Fantastic picture, looks a bit like a painting. Such evocative place names, can't wait to get back.
  • I rode to the Col de Tourmalet on April the 15th a few years ago. It was a great ride and the weather was pretty good. If you'd like to see the photos, have a look at: ... tourmalet/
  • Tim Farr
    Tim Farr Posts: 665
    Thanks for the photos Velopeloton and Jeremy. The Pyrenees are fantastic.
    T Farr
  • thanks guys sounds like its a little hit and miss then. been a cold winter so i'm guessing snow will be around for a while.
    mr could i email you before we leave and see if the roads open?
    it would be nice to do it but to be honest wouldnt be to upset if i couldnt
    our route is roughly: (in 8 and a bit days)
    ax-les thermes
    st girons
    bagneres de luchion
    lourdes (+/- col de tourmalet)

    so will probably be pretty knackered by the time we get there any way.
  • Yes, no problem.It will be on the website anyway.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • This is the road to Col du Tourmalet just above the SuperBarages ski station. There is approx 2m of snow, the road is used as a piste.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • I rode up to the ski station at Superbaréges today, 4km from the summit. The snow is melting fast. The ski station is due to close in 2 weeks time. If there are no big falls of snow in the next month, the col should be open beginning of May.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • Thanks for the update, photos are brilliant. Sad news for skiers, good news for us!
  • Bad news Olly!
    There has been heavy snow the last few days and the forecast is not good for the next 10 days, it would be unlikely for Tourmalet to be open for the first week in May.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • 4km from the summit today.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • Keeping my fingers crossed. We will not be getting there until sat 5/5/12, so with a bit of luck it will be open by then. Looks chilly! Thanks for the update
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    Velopeloton having just been on your website the images are absolutely stunning. I was lucky enough to bike the area last summer and the photographs bring it all flooding back. ( for a great deal of the time my gaze was fixed firmly on the next 20m! ). Best wishes Mr Dog. Hope to return soon.. :D there is no better place.
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • Thanks Mr Dog. Two things I love, cycling and photography, nowhere could be better than the Pyrenees.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • The time has finally arrived. All packed and ready for flight tomorrow.
    How do you think the tourmalet is looking for Saturday?
    We will be starting the day in arreau heading along the d918. Will there be a road closed sign at the bottom to indicate that it's not passable?
    Or would it be half way up?
    Tried looking on street view but didn't really see much.
    Any experience with the road that carys on to Lourdes?
  • I am sure it will not be open for 3 or 4 weeks. It has been snowing all day above 1500m.

    There will be a sign at the bottom saying it is closed. The road will have a barrier at about 4km to go.

    Best route from Bagneres is the D88 and then D26 and D921b, nice quiet road and very scenic.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • VeloPeloton
    VeloPeloton Posts: 72
    You can ride to the summit from Bareges, the road from La Mongie is still blocked.

    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • VeloPeloton
    VeloPeloton Posts: 72
    Too late for the OP. But for anyone else interested, Col du Tourmalet and Col d'Aubisque are now open.

    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • n1ckster
    n1ckster Posts: 158
    Happy days! A friend and I are heading over this Saturday for a weeks holiday; the Tourmalet is definitely on the to-do list!

  • madracer
    madracer Posts: 23
    I rode this with Paddy from Velopelaton on Wednesday, they were changing the signs as we passed...great climb
  • n1ckster
    n1ckster Posts: 158
    Got up as far as La Mongie today to be met with blizzard like conditions and a road impassable due to snow! Will try again on Wednesday.
    A loop tomorrow from Aventignan to the Col du Apin and back (not sure I could manage the Aspin and Tourmalet in one day!!), weather permitting; it is hammering down at the moment.

  • VeloPeloton
    VeloPeloton Posts: 72
    Weather set to improve from tomorrow, it should be ok again by Wednesday. It often happens but the snow does not last long this time of year.
    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental
  • mrc1
    mrc1 Posts: 852
    n1ckster wrote:
    Got up as far as La Mongie today to be met with blizzard like conditions and a road impassable due to snow! Will try again on Wednesday.
    A loop tomorrow from Aventignan to the Col du Apin and back (not sure I could manage the Aspin and Tourmalet in one day!!), weather permitting; it is hammering down at the moment.


    Yep we were there on Sunday 20th from the Luz Saint Sauveur side and were turned around about 4k from the top:


    Le Domestique Tours - Bespoke cycling experiences with unrivalled supported riding, knowledge and expertise.

    Ciocc Extro - FCN 1
  • andrewleck
    andrewleck Posts: 45
    I am planning on going over the Sat 21st July, 3 days after the Tour, hopefully the weather will have settled down toa steady 24~25 deg with a wind blowing from the North east to south west :lol:
  • The Giant returns.

    Vélo Peloton Pyrénées Café and Bike Rental