Question about bib shorts

aaronspeight Posts: 31
edited February 2012 in Road beginners
Hi all,

May seem a stupid question to all males but do your where underwear under bib shorts or not? I've very much a beginner and have a pair of bib shorts and don't know if people where underwear underneath them



  • All cycling shorts as well as bib shorts are designed to be worn with no underwear. It may seem a bit weird at first, but it is the most comfortable over the long ride. Chamois cream is recommended to eliminate the hot spots from rubbing that can occur over long rides. Place the cream on your body as well as working it into the chamois in the areas that tend to rub more. Hope this helps, enjoy the ride!
  • no


    haha tbf i guess its personal choice but I don't. I did a few rides with undercrakcers on but then did one without and its not a massive difference but it stops the bother of having them ride up and gives a little more space down ;)
  • No underwear with bib shorts.

    On a short ride you may not experience any discomfort from wearing underwear under bib shorts. However as soon as your underwear bunches up a bit the folds in the material will start to rub and chafe. The longer your ride the more uncomfortable it will be.

    So nothing between you and your bib shorts. Except chamois cream. That suggestion is a good one. Bib shorts with a good quality pad are comfortable but even they will start to chafe on longer rides. When your bib shorts get damp from sweat and/or rain they will start to chafe too. Chamois cream creates a slippery barrier between fabric and skin. So it is a definite must have under any type of cycling bottoms.

    You will have to experiment to find the type of chamois cream you prefer. There are varying consistencies to be had, and some have additives that provide a cooling effect or a tingle etc.
  • Thanks for the responses guys - big help :)
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    Personally, I'd also consider spending that wee bit extra on a good quality pair of bibs.
    I had a cheap pair of Lusso shorts for a while and got a bit sore after a while.
    Eventually splashed out on a pair of Assos FI Uno and some Assos chamois cream.
    What a difference and I wish I'd bought them long ago!
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,996
    I wouldn't use chamois cream as a matter of course for every ride. I think there's some benefit in getting the skin down there to harden up (oooher matron). Yes, use chamois cream if you feel you need it and for longer rides.
    I only use it for rides in excess of 70 miles or so.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • nickel
    nickel Posts: 476
    Its definately worth spending as much as you can afford with bib shorts, they're not something you want to skimp on. I had a pair of DhBs (which get very good reviews) before I bought a pair of castelli's, the difference was night and day, the castelli's fit so well and are so comfortable its like they're tailor made.

    And as others have said, no underwear!
  • jamienorton
    jamienorton Posts: 182
    edited February 2012
    Another noob question, just ordered some bib tights, do the straps go over or under a base layer top? Im assuming under.
  • I wear my base layer under my straps, generally base layers are designed to be worn next to your skin.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    There you go, I wear my straps under my base layer :D This one is more choice than the pants one - definatley no pants by the way.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    Another noob question, just ordered some bib tights, do the straps go over or under a base layer top? Im assuming under.
    This is going to be more controversial than the original question..

    I say nothing should go under bibs, put the base layer over the straps etc. More likely to get discomfort if the base layer is bunched up / wrinkled at the bottom under the shorts.

    <*correction*> - one thing that does go under bibs (shorts) is the upper edge of leg or knee warmers..
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    I go with-
    no underwear
    straps over baselayer (next to skin and so the baselayer doesn't hang under bottom of jersey)
    leg warmers under shorts

    How about socks and leg warmers? Socks over or under?
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    rjh299 wrote:
    How about socks and leg warmers? Socks over or under?
    Socks over, unless you are wearing long bibs that have stirrup things, in which case under.#

    I always seem to end up with a 1 or 2 cm gap between the bottom of the leg warmers and the socks though, which gets nicely chilled.. :)
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    No pants, that's non negotiable !! You'll be so much more comfortable without !
    Base layer, up to you, but as they're designed to work next to the skin, I wear mine under my bibs.
    Socks, I wear my longs over my socks. My longs have waterproof panels on the shins, so I don't see any point in not having them over my socks.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • So wish I'd read this post before buying second hand on eBay!
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    Cool4catz wrote:
    So wish I'd read this post before buying second hand on eBay!
    :D Creates all sorts of problems for the seller too, many countries have restrictions when you are shipping biohazardous material..
  • This getting dressed malarky is hard work
  • quick question about the original- pants or no pants....

    What if its seriously cold :?
    bianchi via nirone 7 reparto corse 2008 alu/carbon 105
  • davala95 wrote:
    quick question about the original- pants or no pants....

    What if its seriously cold :?

    Button mushroom :wink:
  • and some have additives that provide a cooling effect or a tingle etc.

    Mmm, tingle :D
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    davala95 wrote:
    quick question about the original- pants or no pants....

    What if its seriously cold :?

    You mean you don't stuff socks down your front as standard?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    Bibs under base layer for me, I hate the bibs rubbing my nipples!
  • bus_ter
    bus_ter Posts: 337
    There is another factor in regards to wearing underwear underneath bib shorts.

    Decent bib shorts are expensive, so it's likely you might only have one pair. If you wear them next to your skin, and especially if cream is in the mix, you will have to put them through laundry after each and every ride. This isn't very convenient if you ride several times a week, and also will put the shorts through a lot of wash cycles which will wear out the shorts more quickly. If you wear underwear and you're not sweating too much (such as this time of year), I think you could get several runs before you needed to wash them?
  • Another noob question, just ordered some bib tights, do the straps go over or under a base layer top? Im assuming under.

    Only ridden 4 times in mine but go base layer then bibs then shirt and jacket. Felt very odd at first, still feel like I have a nappy on but very comfy. Mine are Altura ones.
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    Tried my bibshorts for the first time at the weekend (with non-bib tights over the top). I went merino base layer, bibs, SS jersey, Softshell. If I had put the base layer over the bibs then it would have hung below the jersey and possibly the softshell - definately not right.

    Mine are altura too - Ergofit pro from Cyclestore at a crazy 60% off price right now. Got the ergofit jersey half price there too.

    Didnt feel like a nappy at all - apart from the very slight pull from the shoulder straps I didnt notice anything unusual - didnt even really notice the pad either (not sure if that is a good thing).

    I was toasty warm and very happy.