Shimano Exage Motion levers

adwt2004 Posts: 93
edited February 2012 in Workshop
Any ideas how i undo the clamp around the handle bars? Can't an allen key anywhere so i'm stumped. I want to change the brake cables and adjust their position on the bars.



  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Operate the lever and peer inside the gap that appears twixt lever and hood. Should see an allen bolt head.
  • Right, I've figured how to loosen the band! Anyone know how to change the cable?
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    You thread the brake cables in from underneath; no need to undo anything for that. In fact you may need to remove the cables before getting access to the clamp bolt.
  • I've undone the clamp bolt but really can't figure the cable replacement out. I need to remove an old cable first and can't see how I can do that. What a game this is turning out to be..
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Just push the cable from above the lever and the end with the knobble* on will appear somewhere behind the lever. Peer in there to see where said knobble* is meant to go, and replacement is the reverse procedure.

    * not sure of correct terminology.
  • yay!! Thanks m8, I owe you at least 3 pints of beer!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I only know these things because I went through the same painful process of discovery renovating an ageing Peugeot with my son.
  • Recently had to remove a pair of these as I was replacing a damaged handlebar. If you just to adjust the lever position or remove the levers, try taking the brake blocks off (or dropping the wheel out): this allows the lever full movement and makes the allen bolt easy to reach. By doing this you can avoid removing and replacing cables.