
edited February 2012 in Road beginners
Hi everyone, im new to cycling and i love everything about it.....apart from this dreadful arse burn im getting !! how long does it last for gods sake lololol hope everyone is well tho, Mark.


  • Depends what kind of @rse burn you're getting. If it feels like your saddle is cleaving you in two, you unfortunately just have to get used to it. Everything else - sudocreme.
    FCN: Brompton: 12, Tourer: 7, Racer: 4

  • Having a correct-width saddle will help. Google "Specialized assometer" and you'll find all the info you need!
  • yeah yeah assometer lololol im gonna fall for that one like ; )
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    The Assometer does sound like a wind-up but it isn't. Specialized saddles come in different widths. You can't tell which you need just by looking; a fat @rse doesn't neccessarily need a wide saddle. Instead it is neccessary to measure how far apart your sit-bones are. Rather than submit to an embarrassing examination of your posterior in the bike shop, Specialized have come up with a foam pad that you sit on. Your sit bones leave an impression in the pad, the distance between them determines which saddle width you're likely to find comfiest.
  • Fast Grandad - you're wise to be a wee bit wary but the Specialised Assometer is indeed real - I am sure Spesh have a proper polite name for it but it is the Assometer to everyone else.

    Check out this for a wealth of info -
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    As said above if it's a bruising type pain then some of that is just getting used to time in the saddle but having a saddle that works for you and shorts with decent pad help. If it's burning/raw type pain then (assuming you're using shorts with a pad) try chamois cream to reduce the friction (sudocreme can help with the symptoms off the bike but personally I'd stick to proper chamois cream when riding like Assos or Udderly Smooth)
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    Padded shorts (or bibtights for this time of year) + decent saddle (Fizik Arione works well for me) = miles of comfort!
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I got some of the Assos Skin Relief gel as a freebie from my LBS but I have to say that doesn't seem to be any better than good ol' Sudacreme for sorting out issues post ride. Sudocreme costs about £1 a tub, the Assos stuff is about £20 for half as much (not having a pop at Assos because their Chamois Cream is excellent).

    Agree with the other comments, the first step to a fix is to work out the nature of the problem: Chafing, bruising, etc.
  • hodge68
    hodge68 Posts: 162
    ive had my rear looked at when i had a bike fit and my saddle was not wide enough. The LBS has loaned me a spesh saddle in a wider ass size and so far so good.
    Ridley Boreas
    Spesh RockHopper pro
    Boardman cx comp
  • Me and the wife had a "comedy moment" when I asked her to measure my sit bone width (no, honestly!). Although she insisted I kept my undercrackkers on, she claimed to have made an accurate measurement.

    I double checked it by sitting on a couple of flattened bits of my daughter's play-doh and found that the bones are further apart than my wife measured. If you're miles from a LBS (local bike shop) this is an effective way of making sure your saddle fits your a rse.

    The code on the back of the assometer specifies a 130 saddle for a sitbone center* to center width of 100 mm or less, a 143 saddle for a sitbone center to center of 100 mm to 130mm and a 155 for a sitbone center to center of 130 or more.

    * American speeling as copy/pasted from some other site.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,042
    Often a firmer saddle can be more comfortable than a soft one. As you ride you will get more muscle in that area which helps keep pressure off the sit bones. As above I assume you are using padded shorts / tights (no underwear)?
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Fast Grandad - you're wise to be a wee bit wary but the Specialised Assometer is indeed real - I am sure Spesh have a proper polite name for it but it is the Assometer to everyone else.

    Yep they sure do have a proper name - its called the Ass-O-Meter!! :lol::lol:

  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    have you seen the adverts. it could be cancer. better to find it early.