Bike Fit - Adrian Timmis or Paul Hewitt?

richard36 Posts: 346
edited October 2017 in Road buying advice
I want to get a bike fit in relation to my existing bike and also get all the measurements I need to help me buy my new bike (and then set it up properly). I have spoken to Cadence and Hewitt Cycles and Cadence will charge £130 and Hewitt £50. Cadence will spend about 3 hours and will provide insoles whereas the Hewitt fit is about an hour and there are no insoles. From what I can gather both will provide me with a set of measurements that I can then use to get a new bike (from Rose Bikes in Germany) and when the bike comes I can then use those measurements to adjust the seat post etc.

As part of their fit Cadence will deal with things like flexibility and cleat position.

Neither of the above are local though I would visit whichever one I choose when I'm in Manchester so Hewitt would be about 40 mins away whereas Cadence would be about 1 hour 45 mins away.

I've read loads of good reports about both though I've also read some reports from people who didn't like the Hewitt fitting (Haven't read any adverse reports about Cadence).

My question is whether it's worth spending the extra time and money to go to Cadence and whether the service provided by Hewitt is sufficient?



  • Just by chance i have just booked a fit with Cadence for the 17 Feb. if you want to wait i will post after i have finished. I chose him for 2 reasons:
    1. I live in Burton, 5 minutes from him.
    2. I have had an achilles tendon and 2 slipped discs surgically repaired, the Sidas insoles are a must for me.

    I have just finished the build on my new bike for this season and want to make sure bio-mechanically i am set up.

    Hope it helps.
  • I used Adrian Timmis and the service was excellent, other people at work have used Paul Hewitt and been pleased with the service but the bikes he supplied them have masive extensions on the fork tubes to allow for a higher handlebar setup. To me this look awful, unsafe (though I am sure it isn't) and I would not go somewhere that was happy to send someone out with a 10cm ( or higher) extension or stack of spacers on the forks hence my decision. I think it was money well spent.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Not had experience of Paul Hewitt but the detail of Adrian's fit is amazing, not just the position on the bike but also the insoles/cleat position/cleat shims.
    I was unaware I had a leg length discrepancy and once this was identified and sorted by him it was fantastic.
    Plus you get to spend 3 hours chatting with a former top level pro...
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • Sandyballs wrote:
    Just by chance i have just booked a fit with Cadence for the 17 Feb. if you want to wait i will post after i have finished. I chose him for 2 reasons:
    1. I live in Burton, 5 minutes from him.
    2. I have had an achilles tendon and 2 slipped discs surgically repaired, the Sidas insoles are a must for me.

    I have just finished the build on my new bike for this season and want to make sure bio-mechanically i am set up.

    Hope it helps.

    Have you recieved your questionare to fill in from Cadence sport?
    I`m booked in the following day 8)
  • dp_1410
    dp_1410 Posts: 168
    I would add my recommendation for Adrian at Cadence

    Great service, a really nice bloke and the insoles are brilliant!

    For 2 bikes and insoles it was £150. I don't think its bad at all when you can spend that on a component for a bike

    Money well spent IMO
  • Sandyballs wrote:
    Just by chance i have just booked a fit with Cadence for the 17 Feb. if you want to wait i will post after i have finished. I chose him for 2 reasons:
    1. I live in Burton, 5 minutes from him.
    2. I have had an achilles tendon and 2 slipped discs surgically repaired, the Sidas insoles are a must for me.

    I have just finished the build on my new bike for this season and want to make sure bio-mechanically i am set up.

    Hope it helps.

    Have you recieved your questionare to fill in from Cadence sport?
    I`m booked in the following day 8)

    No only received the confirmation of booking, but I only booked this morning.
  • Thanks for the replies.

    I know that Adrian is highly thought of and as you say NapD being able to talk to a former pro (especially someone who I gather rode with Fignon) isn't to be sniffed at!

    Adrian does seem to provide a lot more than Hewitt Cycles hence the extra cost. I suppose my question is whether the extra's are necessary. Judging from those who have been to him (and who are far better riders than me) it seems the extra's are worth it.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Love this pic-
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    Love this pic

    but where are the idiots in daft outfits running alongside him...?
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    maddog 2 wrote:
    Love this pic

    but where are the idiots in daft outfits running alongside him...?

    Further up the hill waiting for him, holding a bike fitting booking sheet...
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    I had a bike fit by Cadence in July and the change to my riding position was remarkable.
    I had my 3 bikes set up as comfortable, or so I thought. As soon as I stood bare feet in
    front of him, and when I eventually went on my bike on the turbo, he pointed out what
    he thought was wrong (saddle too high, too far stretched out, very low arches, well I
    knew the last one, which was corrected by the use of insoles and wedges). All sorted now.

    He did tell me that he was considering riding the Marmotte this year.
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    edited February 2012
    I have had fittings from both Paul Hewitt and Adrian Timmis.

    I have commented on this before so I will summarise

    Hewitt - Wasted £50 to be borderline ignored whilst recieveing a fit that when I said at the time it did not feel right was told that if I knew what felt right why was I there! Left with the belief that I had the wrong size bike and struggled with position for a further 10 months. I will admit I did not help myself here because 1) I didn't change the position as lets face it I had paid for it & 2) The experience was so poor I did not really feel like contacting Hewitt's again to discuss the issues (Paul wasn't interested in my feedback in the shop so why would I believe he would be interested later). Fortunatelly I did not waste money on a new frame/bike or a 150mm length stem to make my current frame fit!

    Cadence Sport - 300 mile round trip for the best value money I have spent on cycling. Corrected the significant issues from the Hewitt fit and I immediatelly felt great on the bike. It transformed be from a slow uncomfortable rider to a marginally faster but significantly more comfortable rider. I already knew of the benefits of Conformable insoles as I have them in my ski boots, walking boots and golf shoes but having them in the price of the complete fit is almost giving them away when you could easily justify purchasing insoles alone. When I developed a niggle after changing saddles I did another 300 mile round trip for Adrian to sort a 6 month issue out in 10mins flat and only charged me a tenner despite the actual price for a saddle fit being much more. Top bloke, top service and great results.

    Note: WHEN you go to Cadence Sport remember to put a Trainer or old tire on as you will spend quite a while on the turbo!
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Double post
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    I don't really feel like I need a bike fit


    Hearing these tales of bike fit awsomeness from cadence I freeking want one now! Birthday present maybe . . hmmmm

    I do feel like one of my legs is longer than the other! in fact one of my older saddles looks a bit lopsided, like I've been reaching down further with one leg.
  • After reading this i really am looking forward to the 17th when i have mine booked. I actually wasn' t feeling well so took a day off work. Remembered NapD thread saying about Adrian and booked because i am back home in the Half term and about 5 miles from him. Glad i did by the sound of all this feedback.
  • I have also had a bike fit at Hewitt's and my position was sorted ok (much better than my previous one), but still not perfect. He doesn't really look at things like cleat position etc. but still for the money it could be worth. I've been getting a knee pain very often so, I decided I have to do something about it and I've booked a fitting at Cadence Sports, at the beginning of March. I hope Adrian will solve my problems and get my bike fit 100% right :)
  • Sorry to go off topic slightly but I'm also trying to pick a bike fitting. Adrian sounds great but living in London it will be four trains and a tube to get there and I wouldn't be able to get two bikes from Burton station to the shop as it's still six miles away. Really tempted to put up with this though.

    Alternatives are the half priced Retul fits being offered at Swift Cycles, a cool new shop near Liverpool Street in central London (£100 for one bike and £150 for two). They'll be a doddle to get to with both bikes but don't do custom insoles. While Retul looks great I'm also a bit dubious about a "system" compared to the years of experience that someone like Adrian would have.

    The other choice is Adam White here:

    Reading isn't too bad to get to and I could con my wife to bring my other bike. Again, no footbeds but then he does seem good value so I could afford to get some at a later date elsewhere if needed.

    I don't have any particular problems on the bike but am conning myself I'll double my power and be able to ride for 24 hours non-stop after a fitting....

    Thanks for any advice.
  • Sorry to go off topic slightly but I'm also trying to pick a bike fitting. Adrian sounds great but living in London it will be four trains and a tube to get there and I wouldn't be able to get two bikes from Burton station to the shop as it's still six miles away. Really tempted to put up with this though.

    Alternatives are the half priced Retul fits being offered at Swift Cycles, a cool new shop near Liverpool Street in central London (£100 for one bike and £150 for two). They'll be a doddle to get to with both bikes but don't do custom insoles. While Retul looks great I'm also a bit dubious about a "system" compared to the years of experience that someone like Adrian would have.

    The other choice is Adam White here:

    Reading isn't too bad to get to and I could con my wife to bring my other bike. Again, no footbeds but then he does seem good value so I could afford to get some at a later date elsewhere if needed.

    I don't have any particular problems on the bike but am conning myself I'll double my power and be able to ride for 24 hours non-stop after a fitting....

    Thanks for any advice.

    Timmis knows his stuff and has the experience as well. With bike fits, experience is worth far more than relying solely on a basic shop fitting jog. Worth the trip if you are really in need of a proper fitting.

    I've never heard of Adam White, he seems a bit science heavy and light in experience. Another option in Berkshire is, I know people who have been fitted by that guy and they seem happy.
  • gabriel959
    gabriel959 Posts: 4,227
    After the really positive comments about Adrian Timmis I have decided that for my birthday present this year I am going to ask for a bike fit session with him. It is a 2 hour drive for me but it should be worth it by the sounds of it.
    Commuting / Winter rides - Jamis Renegade Expert
    Pootling / Offroad - All-City Macho Man Disc
    Fast rides Cannondale SuperSix Ultegra
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Sorry to go off topic slightly but I'm also trying to pick a bike fitting. Adrian sounds great but living in London it will be four trains and a tube to get there and I wouldn't be able to get two bikes from Burton station to the shop as it's still six miles away. Really tempted to put up with this though.

    Alternatives are the half priced Retul fits being offered at Swift Cycles, a cool new shop near Liverpool Street in central London (£100 for one bike and £150 for two). They'll be a doddle to get to with both bikes but don't do custom insoles. While Retul looks great I'm also a bit dubious about a "system" compared to the years of experience that someone like Adrian would have.

    The other choice is Adam White here:

    Reading isn't too bad to get to and I could con my wife to bring my other bike. Again, no footbeds but then he does seem good value so I could afford to get some at a later date elsewhere if needed.

    I don't have any particular problems on the bike but am conning myself I'll double my power and be able to ride for 24 hours non-stop after a fitting....

    Thanks for any advice.

    Just go to Scherrit @

    He's in Ealing and is very good. Remember when getting a fitting there are no guarantees that the first visit will be 100% successful so budget to travel back a second or even third time to iron out any niggles.

    Scherrit has trained with fitting guru Steve Hogg and I really couldn't recommend him highly enough. Sorted both me and the missus with beautifully fitting bikes. Call them for a chat about what they do and I'm sure you'll be impressed.

    Best money I ever spent on my bike.
  • That's a fair point about the Bike Whisperer as I've only ever heard good things but at £195 for one bike and with no insoles that's a fair bit more than £130 at Cadence, £100 at Swift and £50 with AW Sports. I'm sure you get what you pay for up to a certain point but it's hard to know for sure.
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    edited February 2012
    Another possibility is Pedal Precision at Mcr Velodrome.

    Anybody got any views on them ?

    <edit - oops you're right NapD, corrected it>
  • I can only echo other views on Adrian @ Cadence Sports. The fit took place last March & Adrian fitted new saddle (at a discount) as the oiginal Boardman one had started to fail. The stem was flipped to sort out lower back pain & shifters moved up on bars - I am now considerably more comfortable & able to spend more time in the drops. The Sidas footbeds are superb by the way. Certainly the best £100 I have spent!!
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    andy_wrx wrote:
    Another possibility is Cadence Sport at Mcr Velodrome.

    Anybody got any views on them ?

    That's Pedal Precision at the velodrome, Cadence Sport is Adrian Timmis.
    Heard a few people say they were happy with the results although you don't get the footbeds.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • ajb72
    ajb72 Posts: 1,178
    I am booked in with Adrian for mid-March. My biggest fear is he will tell me my beloved Wilier isn't the right size for me!!
  • anyone got any experience of the Bike Whisperer's fitting service in West London - they apparently have a good rep?
    A bit steeper than some of the options mentioned above, but that's west London innit I suppose ... ... e-fitting/
  • richard36
    richard36 Posts: 346
    edited February 2012
    ajb72 - my biggest fear is Adrian telling me that the fit of my existing bike is fine which means I won't be able to blame my poor performance on the bike!
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,919
    I'm ordering my new bike tomorrow. Once it is built up a fit will be booked with Mr Timmis again. He transformed my riding with my last fit and explained my frame was a touch too big, so I've gone a size down on my new frame.

    It will be the first time I have run Look pedals ever with the new bike and I'm sure Mr Timmis will set them up perfect :)
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • Sandyballs wrote:
    Just by chance i have just booked a fit with Cadence for the 17 Feb.

    How did the bike fit go? Looking at having mine fitted by him.
  • Here's my review I wrote before on my fit with Adrian