Got a good new sony telly :) question...

mfin Posts: 6,729
edited February 2012 in The bottom bracket

I just bought this 32" TV this morning, for the spare room, I was wondering, has anyone tried Skype that's built into these Sony's?? Its a latest model and that. I was wondering if Skype works well on these, and if it has a camera as well as mic?? If so, then I might order another for my Dad before it goes out of stock...

(Anyone done Skype on one, Sony's website doesnt seem to mention if it has a camera and hence can so Skype with video of you sat in front of it or if its Skype audio only, and was wondering what the Mic is like etc??)


  • This is a case of RTM. Reading the stuff on the Sony Uk site It is SKYPE ready. It needs an additional webcam to be able to make and receive calls. Sony offer one according to their web site. It does not say if other ones will work.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Ah, okay... I see... I wont use the Skype myself, but my dad might have... if it needs a web cam stuck on it is that just for video, or can you do audio without one, ie, does the TV have a built in mic for that bit??

    Wonder how much the webcam is... I'll probably not get one for Dad then as who wants a webcam sat on their telly?? They should build it in!!

    Anyway, still a damn good telly it seems for me!
  • Yes, I use Skype with my Sony telly - but as someone else said I needed to get an external sony webcam (it was about £90 I think.) I got in my local sony center so you may be able to get it cheaper online somewhere.

    We have a new baby and it is excellent for keeping touch with my parents so they can see how she is getting on. It's really handy and very strange when the TV starts ringing when you have a call.


  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Sounds cool actually, I bet they'll build them in in the next models, webcams even though sony may charge £90 for one are such a cheap technology. Have you got this particular telly then? Is it good? :) its the best one Ive seen at that kind of price and guarantee including all the January sales and pre-xmas sales really.

    Its definitely the way to go, having skype in a TV.... in yours is it easy to turn skype on and off, so you're not disturbed while watching something?? ...or is it a good few button presses??? I'll bet they'll make one soon that says 'answer', 'answer and pause live tv' or 'answer and record this programme' options, that's what they really need.
  • I don't have that particular one - mine's a 43" but I'm sure the only real difference is the screen size. I assume if you have Skype you will also have the other Smart TV items like iPlayer etc. I have to say that iPlayer and Youtube are excellent on it!

    When someone calls you it is one button to answer or cancel the call. If you want to make a call you hit a button to get to the Sony menu (where you can also watch iPlayer, youtube and play stuff from external drives etc.) then hit left a few times, then hit the skype button. Easy and quick enough - no more hassle than calling using the mobile (and definately less hassle than firing up the laptop and using Skype on it.)

    It'll sign you in automatically when you turn the telly on, but you can choose if you actually start up the Skype app whether you want to stay online or sign in/out.

    One thing to watch though is that if you want to connect the telly wirelessly you need to get an wireless adapter (as with the webcam - it needs to be the sony one.) If you are close enough to your router though I would just run a cable.

    Dunno if you will be able to see this, but here is an action shot. ... =3&theater


  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Ah, at least its neat, for some reason Id imagined that it was gonna be little ball shaped one! ...but probably wouldnt much notice that one sat at the bottom of the TV, expensive though!

    I went to buy another one of them last night but its sold out now :( theyve put a deal on the 40" version instead, too big for what me or my dad want £549