TFI Friday Thread™



  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    off to see the doctor in a little bit to make sure i am capable of being shoved into a dark tight wet hole during next week.


    medical passed, turns out i am perfectly fit and more than capable for shoving myself into dark tight wet hole.

    doctor was a bit suprised by the amount of air i can expel in a single breath, turns out the actual amount i expelled is off the scale that is used. not quite sure when this particular biological gift is going to turn out to be useful but if i can end up doing this i will be pretty pleased.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,871
    Well, yesterday was absolutely fecking fantastic. Me and Hot Librarian got up to some fun in a store cupboard. Awesome. :twisted:
    Is your real name Boris Becker? :-)

    Afternoon Twuntflanges,

    My new super duper internet connection is finally sorted so I am back in contact with the webbos of the world again, thank feck. Bought the 'Dirt 100' mage this morning to keep myself occupied and drool over a bit of DH bike pron while The Bruiser is in for repairs - still :-( Bl00dy Hotlines were incapable of sending the right widget to reattach my rear mech, firkin morons.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • off to see the doctor in a little bit to make sure i am capable of being shoved into a dark tight wet hole during next week.


    medical passed, turns out i am perfectly fit and more than capable for shoving myself into dark tight wet hole.

    I'm sure your victims will be delighted.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    off to see the doctor in a little bit to make sure i am capable of being shoved into a dark tight wet hole during next week.


    medical passed, turns out i am perfectly fit and more than capable for shoving myself into dark tight wet hole.

    I'm sure your victims will be delighted.

    yeah man, big sticks.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Afternoon Scuttlers

    Kickingmule, if you aren't going to provide pics, I at leat would like you to let me smell your fingers.........and no eating Scampi Fries

    Anyway, another week done, went to Bargoed today, just for summat to do, oh and to learn railway. Got in touch with the bike people I ordered the boneshaker off, seems that it was dispatched today, exactly 1 week after last friday when I was also told it was dispatched, Told them if its not here by Tuesday I shall be talking to the nice people at paypal and getting my money back. Might take Foxc's lead and drink some mojitos, obviously well away from her as the courts don't permit it

    Off to wolves tommorrow to sort out a bit more of the old house ready for my tennant and to go and become a Godfather for the 2nd time at my cousin's christening, although this does mean that if anything happens to their mong parents, I've got to deal with them and send them to the workhouse

    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt