Need advice please....

Turrican Posts: 755
edited January 2012 in Women
Ok not sure if to post here but i thought id ask womens thoughts on this;
OK peeps this is how it is: im at a photography course on Tues and this girl started there last Tue, now ive already started chatting to her and getting to know her and she got to know me abit, this was while we all were out taking pics etc, we were cool and got on right away already we have things in common but this is my delemea. How long do i wait to ask if she like to go for a coffee and just coffee as friends to start with, bear in mind next time see her be only 2nd time etc, so how would any you ladys feel if i asked " if you fancy coffee etc.

thanks in advance.
I don't have a bike addiction problem.....bikes seems to have a problem with just can't seem to stay on.
