cycle cop gets owned

RyanMK43 Posts: 113
edited January 2012 in MTB general
I know it's not really anything to do with mountain biking but what do you guys think to this??? Just goes to show police chat so much sh*t. but fair play to this guy :lol:


  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    I was stopped by two bike police in Bracknell once, complaining that I didn't give way to them on a cycle path I was alleged to be crossing when exiting a car park. Once I pointed out they in fact weren't on a cycle path, which they argued the case against for a couple of minutes (I had to get out of the car and show them where the path went round the back of the car park) they then proceeded to tell me I had to give way to cyclists on a pavement. When I pointed out this couldn't be the case as its illegal to cycle on a pavement, they started to lecture me on the highway code. Fools. After a while of trying to blag it they realised I know more about cyclists rights (or lack of) than them, and let me go.
    A Flock of Birds
    + some other bikes.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    1 - been posted all over the place already
    2 - the guy in the vid is a total d1ck. End of. As I posted somewhere else, refusing to give details in the States he would have been spreadeagled over a bonnet (hood I suppose) with a 9mm up his jacksie.

    That would have been funny.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • The cyclist was an absolute ass ramming, monkey humping, dog feltching, turd burgling, cumsponge gobshite!

    I quite honestly hope that the next time he jumps a red light, he meets a big truck and gets turned into a red smear on the tarmac.

    Fkn bellend!
  • RyanMK43
    RyanMK43 Posts: 113
    edited January 2012
    But that’s the states not here, which over there is their answer to everything get the guns out. It’s more to the point the police haven’t got a clue what to do if someone has got a slight edge over them or try and intimidate them and just because they are the police. Yes the guy is in the wrong for running a red light though, but the policeman was IMO made to look like a pleb so he lashed out at the guy.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Cyclist may have been an ass but..

    The copper was rude, aggressive and poorly trained with a lack of knoledge of his job, further securing my veiw that a mojority of police are just rather thick little bullies with no concepts of there responsabilities to the community.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Everyone is a d1ck except me.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    cooldad wrote:
    Everyone is a d1ck especially me.

    So true :p
  • Cyclist may have been an ass but..

    The copper was rude, aggressive and poorly trained with a lack of knoledge of his job, further securing my veiw that a mojority of police are just rather thick little bullies with no concepts of there responsabilities to the community.

    Absolutely, just like the majority of cyclists jump red lights and ride on pavements with no concept of their responsibilities to other road users. :roll:
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Cyclist may have been an ass but..

    The copper was rude, aggressive and poorly trained with a lack of knoledge of his job, further securing my veiw that a mojority of police are just rather thick little bullies with no concepts of there responsabilities to the community.

    Absolutely, just like the majority of cyclists jump red lights and ride on pavements with no concept of their responsibilities to other road users. :roll:

    First words were the cyclist was an ass, but the cops attitude from the on set was un acceptable in his postition. If the copper had a decent attitude adn new his job the cyclist would have booked and the situation handled. its a poor reflection on the police officer that he was unable to do his job because he didn't know what it was :s

    And i've experienced this personally several times in the last few years, bullies and so on, I see more support in the news, and internet to support the idiot bully point of veiw on the police that i ahve from my personal experience. and my personal expereince of commuters is awful too btut hats a differnet point :)
  • cooldad wrote:
    2 - the guy in the vid is a total d1ck. End of

    + Hi Viz potato
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    So a video of one sub-standard police officer means that all police are of a similar standard and are also bullies?

    Where are the videos of the thousands of incidents of police dealing with aggressive, violent criminals in a professional and calm way. Incidents in which most of you commenting negatively would carp your pants. Officers risk their lives every day for complete strangers.

    The Police are the same as any other large scale employer. There are good and bad at what they do and how they do it.

    Numptys prefer to focus on the isolated negatives rather than heroic acts that happen every day.
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    andymc06 wrote:
    So a video of one sub-standard police officer means that all police are of a similar standard and are also bullies?

    Did you read my post though, i said in my experience, personal expereince and the videos i see like this support my expereinces, did i say all? not really no. do imply alot of them well yes.

    i mean did you hear the head of scotland yard in the phone hacking scandals, he was so idiotic it was painful :s it's an opinion, find some video support for the opposite opint where most police are competent caring and interested and then i will maybe be convinced.
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    andymc06 wrote:

    Numptys prefer to focus on the isolated negatives rather than heroic acts that happen every day.

    Are you a copper?
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Also Isolated??? lol there are loads of instances like this :)
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    Did you read my post though, i said in my experience, personal expereince and the videos i see like this support my expereinces, did i say all? not really no. do imply alot of them well yes.

    further securing my veiw that a mojority of police are just rather thick little bullies with no concepts of there responsabilities to the community.[/quote]

    You don't imply "a lot". You say "a mojority" sic

    I have several friends who are coppers. Perhaps learn to spell and construct proper sentences before suggesting the "mojority" are thick :lol:

    Sweeping generalisations about any group tend to make the individual seem ignorant.

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion of course and you can only go off your personal experience and that of others. I would suggest very few people report back when they have had a positive experience with police but people are very quick to broadcast a negative one.

    It is cool to slate the police. It's just most people grow out of it when they leave their teen years.
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    Also - If you live in a world where you need video evidence to believe something, you may be disappointed when you find out about Father Christmas. :lol:
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Again i disagree,

    In the Newport area i know alot of people who have a problem wit the attittude of the gwent police force, and generalisations are useful for describing job types for peoples. For instance i'm a tax accounts assisstant, most people who do this are pedantic and annoying, and most the people with in my field of work i've met generally do fit the description :s including myself to some degree.

    Most of the police i've met are bullies, and i know people who work with the police in Wales. and you should ask your friends what they get up to at there training houses ;)

    But most importantly you do not know my age or educational level(my english is poor i admit) but learn to take things into account before your critize people about there English, or i will come back about your math, or maybe your astrophysics area's i did well in at uni thank you :)
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    But I'm not calling people thick!

    Like I say we all have our opinions and I just thought I would give my point of view.

    I have had dealings with coppers who were complete tools but I don't think it's fair to generalise.

    Anyway can we get back to mountain biking please............. :)
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    most people who do this are pedantic and annoying, and most the people with in my field of work i've met generally do fit the description :s including myself to some degree.
    Pedantic? You have possibly the worst spelling I've ever seen on an internet forum, and that's saying something!
    Ignorant and annoying sounds more plausible to me.

    Please do tell us what police get up to in their training houses: and you could demonstrate your superior maths by a quick bit of statistics on the alleged prevalence of internet videos of police malpractice.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    bompington wrote:
    most people who do this are pedantic and annoying, and most the people with in my field of work i've met generally do fit the description :s including myself to some degree.
    Pedantic? You have possibly the worst spelling I've ever seen on an internet forum, and that's saying something!
    Ignorant and annoying sounds more plausible to me.

    Please do tell us what police get up to in their training houses: and you could demonstrate your superior maths by a quick bit of statistics on the alleged prevalence of internet videos of police malpractice.

    Indeed, i have to fight with my Danish spell checker on my work's computer and I often miss things. I find you personally rude.

    Also stats isn't real maths :P i can start doing a load of motion things when i have time k :)

    And i think my major problem with the police if someone was that igorant of there job in the private sector, like in an accounts department they would have been asked to leave...

    Ok back to biking as asked, you seen those police bikes... comedy :p
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    I said mountain biking................
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    But they are mountain bikes.

    They had a couple of GT's recently when i spotted a pair :p defiantely slightly better than a BSO hehe
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    The police riders have specialized round by us.
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • RyanMK43
    RyanMK43 Posts: 113
    do you think they have the blues and twos on the bikes?
  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    RyanMK43 wrote:
    do you think they have the blues and twos on the bikes?
    dont be silly they go to special training school, and learn how to shout neeee naaaaw neee naaaaaaaw woooooooooooooooo woooooooooooooooooo.. as they ride.

    i seen them on specialized and claudbutler's ooooooooooooopp here.
  • The person in the video must be a student.
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    He said something about picking his kid up..... Not that that's fact or means he's not.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Have I accidentally strayed on singletrack some of the comments on this thread makes me think they need to get back to quick before all this pomposity gets too unbearable
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    The cyclist was an arse and the policeman lost his cool.

    Neither exactly covered themselves in glory. I wouldn't have though PCs have to know the specific wording of the law they're using. They're police officers, not human encyclopedias.

    You can get FPNs for all kinds of things, not just motoring offences, so 'documents' won't always be available. If an officer can't be sure a person is who they say they are, or they just won't say, they can arrest them.

    ....I think!

    The cop should have spoken to the control room, confirmed where he stood, and done what needed to be done. Lashing out at someone, when you know they've got a camera, is stupid.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • andymc06
    andymc06 Posts: 245
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Supporting the police means people are pompous and middleclass does it? What a constructive contribution.
    If at first you don't succeed, spend some more money on kit!

    Giant Trance X3 2011