Longevity in cycling

fjrburns Posts: 29
edited January 2012 in The bottom bracket
What were your reasons for taking up serious cycling? Were you heavily into other sports before cycling? When I took up cycling in my late 20s, I never considered how many years of cycling might lie ahead of me. For more thoughts on this, click here: http://frankburns.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/do-cyclists-improve-with-age/
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  • Ian.B
    Ian.B Posts: 732
    I read recently about a Frenchman who is approaching his 100th birthday and still cycles 7,000 km a year! When he reaches (he probably has now) his 100th birthday, he was planning to have a crack at the hour record for centenarians on a trainer, if I recall correctly
  • Mike Healey
    Mike Healey Posts: 1,023
    And just to make everyone feel really depressed, scroll thro' the vets' time trial records on http://www.vtta.org.uk/information/reco ... &road=road including D Milsom's 59:13 for 25 miles at the age of 80
    Organising the Bradford Kids Saturday Bike Club at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre since 1998
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    And just to make everyone feel really depressed, scroll thro' the vets' time trial records on http://www.vtta.org.uk/information/reco ... &road=road including D Milsom's 59:13 for 25 miles at the age of 80

    Yep Denis turns up every now and again on Bike Radar, Dennis not long ago was swimming with whale sharks in the Seychelles, he was asked to do the Johnnie Helms Two Up Gentlemen’s TT last year but he was on his way to Jamaica at the time. Must be something in the life style me thinks.
    I have managed to keep going as it were in sport starting off as a half decent amateur soccer player, I gave that up at the age of 27 to go back to a childhood sport of dingy sailing this I did to a high level up to the age of 50 when I moved home. Having lost motivation in the sailing and as Shropshire is a great cycling county I had a go at the bike thing, this I have done for 11 years now and am still keen. Training in the Algarve in Three Weeks time. I have found for me changing sports at the right time was key to help me maintain the focus.

    A recent photo.

    Oh! and I try and spend as much time as I can with Denis just incase something rubs off. :lol:
  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    There is a thread somewhere on BR about the the 1980 World Championship Road Races. One of the competitors in the ladies race, complete with proper condescending remarks by the commentators, was Jeanie Longo! How about that for longevity?
    The older I get the faster I was
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    There is a thread somewhere on BR about the the 1980 World Championship Road Races. One of the competitors in the ladies race, complete with proper condescending remarks by the commentators, was Jeanie Longo! How about that for longevity?

    Certainly a very long cycling career but somewhat marred by missing three drug tests and unlike fellow frenchie Gregory Bauge who was stripped of his world sprint title was aloud to walk away from it because of a technicality. :shock: