TfL Road Safety Update

Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
edited January 2012 in Commuting chat
Just received this from TfL. Glad they are highlighting safety.
"Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"


  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,773
    Reassuring for a bloke in Glasgow.
  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Reassuring for a bloke in Glasgow.

    Quite! To be fair, its probably because I have an Oyster card for those trips to London..... but not been down on over a year..... next time I might need my passport!
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    I just got one as well. Weird that it doesnt' advise drivers to do a thing :P

    Oh wait that isn't actually the same thing I had sent. Mind said the following:
    I am writing to both cyclists and drivers to remind them to take care on London’s roads.

    Cyclists are reminded to:
    Dear Joe Blogs

    Be aware of blind spots all around large vehicles. It’s often safer to hang back
    Make eye contact with drivers to make sure they have seen you
    Not ride through red traffic lights. It’s dangerous and you can be fined £30
    Allow space between you and parked vehicles. Doors may be opened suddenly

    Cycle training courses are available in most London boroughs.

    For more information, please visit
    Yours sincerely,

    Ben Plowden
    Director, Surface Planning
  • chilling
    chilling Posts: 267
    I liked this bit
    Allow space between you and parked vehicles. Doors may be opened suddenly

    No advice for motorists to be more careful when opening their car doors.

    Can we quote him every time we get abuse for riding in primary?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,773
    I'm on their mailing list at work because we took advantage of some assisted funding to get a new bike shelter and racks. They send me regular updates about all sorts of stuff that don't have any impact on us. Not seen any of this though.
  • phy2sll2
    phy2sll2 Posts: 680
    OK, so here's the original note:
    Dear Mr phy2sll2,

    I am writing to both cyclists and drivers to remind them to take care on London’s roads.

    Cyclists are reminded to:

    Be aware of blind spots all around large vehicles. It’s often safer to hang back
    Make eye contact with drivers to make sure they have seen you
    Not ride through red traffic lights. It’s dangerous and you can be fined £30
    Allow space between you and parked vehicles. Doors may be opened suddenly
    Cycle training courses are available in most London boroughs.
    For more information, please visit
    Yours sincerely,

    Ben Plowden
    Director, Surface Planning

    They also sent a note to drivers and tube users with some advice about leaving space, checking before opening doors etc:
    Dear Mr tube user,

    I am writing to both drivers and cyclists reminding them to take care on London’s roads.

    If you drive in London, please remember to give space to cyclists when overtaking and at junctions. Please remember to look out for cyclists when turning left or right and check before you open your door as they can be hard to spot. For more information please click here ( )

    We are also writing to cyclists to remind them to be visible, be alert to other road users and ensure they follow the Highway Code when cycling. If you are interested to see what we are advising cyclists, please visit

    Yours sincerely,

    Ben Plowden
    Director, Surface Planning

    Obviously they missed the 'we've also written to drivers' bit out of the mailshot for cyclists. OK, doesn't do them any favours but I'm more interested in this chap, Plowden. His behaviour is a bit confusing. Ten years ago he was writing this sort of stuff: and now he just outright lies on TfL's behalf:

    What gives?
  • is who you need write to, I have sent him a note saying how unassuring it is to hear we can get training when TFL have fairly entrenched policies of favouring traffic that kills us. I have asked him to do another one mentioning what facilities/actions they're putting in place for us other than an over priced piss poor superhighway.
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.