New helmet

indyp Posts: 735
edited January 2012 in Road beginners

I am new to road cycling, having just started at the ripe young age of 46! I bought a second hand Allez and so far I'm loving it. Thanks to looking through the forums I bought most of my kit from DHB and find them good for beginners, apart from their zips opening all the time on bib longs!

Anyway, I have at the moment a bog standard Met helmet - looks like a mushroom on my head! Vanity has lead me to looking at getting a more sleek design, plus I want white for the summer. I have limited funds so looking at just over £50 bracket helmets. At the moment it's a toss-up between the Giro Monza and the Met Inferno UL. I will be going to have a look in the week and try some on but thought I could hopefully get some advice on the better of the two.
Also, which of them doesn't look like a mushroom!



  • warrerj
    warrerj Posts: 665
    What size head have you got? there are quite few good sales on atm but seem to be on smaller sizes
  • indyp
    indyp Posts: 735
    unfortunatey I've got a large head, 60cm. Probably the most popular!
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Helmets are a bit hard to recommend because the fit is very variable depending on what fits your noggin. I have just bought a Giro Savant, which is a new model (priced about £40-55) and seems to do the business for me. The straps can be a bit inflexible though and, in an ideal world, I would prefer a material that is softer. The straps did take me about 30 minutes of fiddling to get right and I think I might have to do it again. Apart from that, very comfortable and light.
  • I have a Monza and a similar sized (but maybe not shape) 59cm head. I find it good enough but I think it looks a little bulky - I know what you mean about wanting a sleek design. Watching many other riders I'm sure they are wearing proportionately smaller helmets which IMHO look better. It is just an asthetic thing though and comfort and safety should be paramount.
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  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I have a Monza and a similar sized (but maybe not shape) 59cm head. I find it good enough but I think it looks a little bulky - I know what you mean about wanting a sleek design. Watching many other riders I'm sure they are wearing proportionately smaller helmets which IMHO look better. It is just an asthetic thing though and comfort and safety should be paramount.

    I was going to say the same.

    I have a massive sweed, I generally need a 63cm hat !! If you've got a big head, the monza will make you look like a mushroom. If that's not somehthing you're bothered about, then great (I changed mine for a helmet with a smaller profile).
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  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd really not worry about the mushroom look if I were you. You're wearing lycra - who cares what you look like ?

    So long as the helmet fits - thats all that matters.
  • Hi there , i have a mint giro prolight (2011) which im thinking of selling , its size large (59-63) and blue and white in colour ,£50 +p&p should you fancy it
  • indyp
    indyp Posts: 735
    hi pip, If only my bike and gear were a different colour I would definately take you up on the offer but, my bike and kit is mostly silver,red and black, and don't want to add another colour. Very vain am I, haha.

    cheers for the offer though, much appreciated.
  • I have a giro monza and so far i have been very pleased. Managed to pick one up cheap on ebay - £30

    I also have a large head but it doesnn't make my head look like to much of a mushroom
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