Insurance required??

Nick@D Posts: 73
edited February 2012 in Tour & expedition
Hi All,

i am in a works charity group completing (hopefully :D ) a cycle over a 12days duration in the uk, what kind of insurance will i need to complete this? will i need public liability or death cover ?? not to sure, any help will be appreciated.


Nick :mrgreen:


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    I don't think you need insurance for the UK but third-party insurance (eg via CTC membership) is a useful thing to have. I'm assuming you are going as an informal group of colleagues going on what is basically a holiday - things might be more complicated if you were organising it, or if it was some sort of teambuilding event.
  • Nick@D
    Nick@D Posts: 73
    thanks Andy,

    that is simular to what i was thinking as it is in the UK, i am organising it, however we have all taken leave so as you say, a group of colleagues on holiday.


  • Hey, just think about something different. There are lots of companies with different types of insurance policies. Most of them might not suit your criteria. Lots of companies are there where no expectation can be made where lots of companies fulfill your expectation.
    So really need to look for the top companies with top insurance policies, with a nationwide presence or at least a presence in most states; or to someone else, presence in the local state. I think it will give you a personal feel about the insurance.
    You can think about your own business with the companies.
    It will be good if the companies have a proven track record and have a good reputation for paying claims I think.
    You will enjoy low premiums; excellent customer service and easy claim filing. Also, top insurance companies will serve you for long without risk of folding up.
  • Nick@D
    Nick@D Posts: 73
    thanks for that saifeye