i need help on fork sterer size

jakestanworth Posts: 26
edited January 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
i am not a expert on bike so this might be a realy stupid question but i am thingin of geting a frame with eaither a 105mm head tube lengh or a 110mm headtube lengh and i am wanting some forks with a 185 mm sterer will they fit? :lol:


  • sory about the spelling mistakes :shock:
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    They might they might not.

    What is the stck height of the headset? The stack height of the stem? Do you want to run any spacers?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Why do you 'want a steer' of 185mm - just get a longer one (if not buying a pre-cut secondhand one or cheap) then you don't need to worry about stack heights of the things, just fit, have a think about your positioning of everything for afew rides, then cut - just buy enough cheapo spacers until you do decide where to cut.
  • im buying a frame so i can buy a new stem and headset but i am buying 2nd hand so it is only 185mm i just need to no if it will fit the frame
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    So do as Nick says. Get everything and measure it (properly rather than what someone else has said) before you buy a new heaset and stem (if you really need). THen from that look on thewebsite for the stack heights of both headset and stem + of course any spacer you want to run (if there's space??!, but then you'll not know until you do all that.)