Nodderpendance day! prequel - 'Rise of the Nod'

DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
edited January 2012 in Commuting chat
It begins and it begins early.

Nodders have stolen the spatial awareness, general awareness and anticipation. We need them back, we need them to reclaim the streets of London from the car. There is a war brewing and those were some of our most efffective weapons as responsible cyclists."

Point in case:

At the front of the ASL I'm on the right, guy on my left near the curb and a guy behind him. Lights go green guy behind charges between us forcing me further right and the other guy further left.

Again at a ASL, only this time a guy stops at the first white line just in front and between two cars. Massive, acres of empty space in front of him, to his left and to his right. Would he move forward? Nope. Was there a long line of cyclists behind him who had followed him towards the ASL? Yes. Could the cyclists get around him and get into the ASL? Nope. Was there time to get to safety? Yes. Did he wait until the lights were green to move leaving all those cyclist behind him to dither between moving vehicles? Yes. Was he a c*nt? You bet.

Drafters have a new tactic. Instead of sitting behind the wheel they now overlap the back wheel slightly so not only do they block the view of any right shoulder check they now prevent you from moving right without fear of clipping your back wheel into their front wheel. And sure you can speed up, the point is it's arguably safer for them to slow down - especially when approaching a stationary vehicle. (In fact I may have complained about that last year).

Cyclists who cannot ride in a straight line and those that do not look over your their shoulder to check oncoming traffic. What the f*ck man!? It's a f*cking road you shouldn't be swerving or drifitng left/right in such a way as to make it unsafe to pass you within half the width of a f*cking bus lane! Mother f*ckers man. It's these people, cyclists who can't ride in a straight line or who cut across my cycling line/path that f*ck me off the most. Why? because it's the same as a car cutting you up or being right/left hooked because the driver didn't car to look.

There are cars to your right, cyclists who may be trying to overtake f*cking look before you leap.

There is seemingly an growing number of cyclists incapable of tapping their brakes to slow down, give way or you know? Stop. Sometimes slowing down leads to the fastest way around an obsticle.

Final Words:

I know my limitations on a bike, I know when is appropriate to test them and when to stay within them. I know that on a shared road I have a responsibility not to be a danger to myself or others. It ain't really that hard a concept to understand: To be aware that there are other people around you and that your actions and reactions to external factors will impact upon them and their safety.

Cycling is a line of A (starting point) to B (destination). It is a line of cause and effect where everyones actions and reactions have, no matter how infintesimal, an effect on everyone elses actions and reactions. Great cyclists follow the line and play their part in helping to keep the line from breaking so that it flows fluidly from A to B wherever A and B may start and finish for you. ~ DonDaddyD "The tao of cyclo-commuting".

Don't just ride for yourself.
Food Chain number = 4

A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game


  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    When are you going publish, DDD?
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Instead of sitting behind the wheel they now overlap the back wheel slightly so not only do they block the view of any right shoulder check they now prevent you from moving right without fear of clipping your back wheel into their front wheel.

    It is annoying habit. Console yourself that if there is a coming together of wheels, it is they who are most likely to come off worse.