Do you put things in your jersey pockets?



  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    Crashing is such a rare occurrence that its not worth worrying about. Afterall, you dont wear a helmet and gloves do you so why worry about your spine.
    Personally I have experience crashes and have slid along the road on my back. The only things I put in pockets are things I'm happy to land on.
    There are plenty of good, reliable, quick-release saddlebag attachment systems that you can fit to several bikes. Rixen and Kaul make some good one
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,656
    I just wrap the harder stuff such as a multi-tool in something softer or put something like inner tubes on the skin side of the pocket to act as a buffer (more for comfort than for any risk injury).
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    cougie wrote:
    Rozzer - I've two Ariones. And two non Ariones. I've heard tell that the saddlepacks fail ? Mines lasted a few months so far, but it does seem a bit flimsy ?

    Had 3 fail until I learnt my lesson
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Food / soft things in pockets, spiky stuff in saddle pack. Comfort rather than fear of creating a kidney kebab though.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    I just carry a banana in my pockets, purely on the off-chance that a laydee bicyclist will fix me with a smile and ask 'is that a banana in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?'. Not happened yet mind. :roll:

    OT. Sandwiches, phone, keys + cash in the pockets, everything else in the little saddlebag under the seat. Pockets = what I will want, saddlebag = what I'd hope not to need.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Nah - I carry a small pack (it's actually a bright orange Nurofen - the kids medicine - padded carry pack: about 6 inches high, 3 inches wide: in it goes cash, 'phone, multi tool, Co2 canister, cable ties, elastic bands, insulting tape, house key - anything that I need to get me home in an emergency/help out passing stricken 18 - 21 year old blonde irls at the side of the road. It lives in the central pocket.

    One other pocket has a pre talced tube in a plastic bag wrapped up, third carries 'nanas, or whatever I can scavenge form Mrs Y's kitchen prior to exiting Casa Y.

    Call me a slave to the aesthetic but I'm not havin' no crazy fool saddle pack thing on ma steed, boy. Next thing I know someone will be suggesting that I have a Brooks saddle and some dynamo lights.

    If I stuff it and am paralysed forever at least my bike will look cool as some scally rides off on it.

    Re dlok incident - cretin. It goes in the cubby hole under the seat. Same principle as guys who ride around with a huge lock strapped across their chest - now that's just gonna cause major damage.
  • OMFG!!
    Is the OP health and safety gone barmy?
    If we worried about anything that may hurt us we wouldn't do anything with our lives.
    I've got to say that if you're worried about being injured then I really don't think that cycling is for you.
    You can just see the Daily Mail headline "Man punctures kidney with pear drop as he falls off push bike!"
    I've now been cycling for nearly forty years and have fallen off multiple times and have never fallen onto my back. My mistake there, yes I have while pulling a wheelie!

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    Hmmm, jersey pockets and contents...

    Lighter, check.
    Pack of fags, check.
    House keys, check.
    Phone, check.

    Anything else I'm missing?

    Love n hugs

    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • Rizla and weed?
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    Rizla and weed?

    Oh yeah, king size, forgot about those...

    Love n hugs

    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • I put so much into my jersey pockets that when I get back into the saddle at the lights, gravity works in such a way that I end up sitting on the damn stuff. Bananas are a now a big no-no.
  • I've got a roman catholic friend who has to wear a jersey with extra sized pockets - to carry his guilt around. Ho ho and chortle.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,974
    I've got a roman catholic friend who has to wear a jersey with extra sized pockets - to carry his guilt around. Ho ho and chortle.

    Could be worse, a roman catholic chav has double the burden; guilt and gilt :)

    The older I get, the better I was.