Looking for someone to cycle with in Devon...

MrsPB Posts: 17
edited January 2012 in Road beginners
Is there anyone out there who would be interested in joining me on a regular weekly ride? I started road cycling a year ago and enjoyed my rides over the summer but have been hopeless so far into the winter and hoped I could get back on track with a regular ride. I'm no Emma Pooley and take things reasonably steady but would be interested in 1-2 hour rides to start with (hill dependent!) My husband has signed me up for the Dartmoor Classic so I have something to aim at! I also have a mountain bike and enjoy a couple of runs around the blue run at Haldon, but would like to improve and have a go at the red run. My main motivation is fitness.

I am mum to two children (5 and 3) and work part time but my hours are flexible so I could do any week day but Monday. I live in Newton Abbot and have a car so can travel.

If you are interested, or need any more info (there's probably all sorts of things I have forgotten to mention!) then let me know.

