recommend me some oakleys (radar differences)

evsy Posts: 111
edited January 2012 in Road buying advice
hey every1

happy new year and all that.

decided to spend some of my xmas money on a nice set of oakleys (currently have the dhb triple lens).
heart is set on some radars but can someone tell me what is the difference between the paths, pitch and range?

also, my head is pretty narrow, are the radars a loose or close fit?



ps if anyone knows of any sites with good discounts on these please let me know :D


  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    edited January 2012
    The various lenses are just different shapes, Path suits me best, with the others the lens sits on my cheek. Best way to find out what's right for you is to find an Oakley dealer and go and try a few pairs on, even if you don't buy them from there. Think they are too expensive to get it wrong. Also you'll find out if the Radars suit your narrow head, although to be honest, I don't think you'll have a problem with that.

  • Oops, double post...

  • PhildB
    PhildB Posts: 73
    Radar's will probably *fit* well on your head, also when you sweat the material is designed to stick to your head more. However you'll notice that they look very wide from the front, - around your temples, - I have read that the reason for that is because they were designed to accomodate cycle straps running down each side of your head. Personally, from an aesthetic point of view, I dont like them, - they look took wide, and the arms next to your temples are too thick. I much prefer the M-Frames.

    As above, there is absolutely no-way you should buy before you try the different combinations of frames and lense shape combinations on your head, - sunglasses can look completely different on different people.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    The lens shapes are on the website. You need to try the glasses on though - plenty of shops stock them - airports, shopping malls etc - so easy to walk in and browse.

    I love my Radars - much better than the Jawbones I reckon.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,496
    as above, the radars lens shapes differ, all fit the same frame, so if you do decide to try different lenses in future you can just swap them in the frame, takes only a few seconds

    the width means they work well over helmet straps, and slot into the helmet ok for storage

    superb field of view, and there's no distortion, even at the edges

    i've got radar path and some alternate lenses, they don't hit my cheeks, there's enough ventilation to avoid fogging while moving, but not so much that it causes me dry eyes (i wear contacts, so it matters!)
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Yes the best advice is to go try some on to see if they suit your head shape. I also have a narrowish head and the pitch lens suit my face best, they are comfortable shades in any case. Really it's the frame and not the lens you need to worry about, if they fit that is.

    With oakleys you're paying for the excellent lenses and the name, it certainly isn't the plasticky frames.
  • amnesia
    amnesia Posts: 118
    I would also take your helmet and make sure everything's comfortable if you're going to be wearing them on the bike.
    2013 Focus Izalco Pro 2.0 UDi2
    1999 Sunn Vertik II MTB - old skool !