I give up...

knownothingbozo Posts: 168
edited January 2012 in Workshop
I have finally given up with my Planet X CNC brake calipers as no matter what I do I cannot get them centred. Ebay for them it is.
I am now left needing to get new brake calipers that will work with my Shimano STI levers - older style external cables.
Is there any reason why Shimano 105 5700 calipers won't work with these levers? Ribble say that they must be used with 5700 levers, but I can't see any reason why they wouldn't also work with the older ones. I have checked the compatibiloty chart provided with Shimano which seems to suggest the same thing.

Has anyone had any experience of trying this?
Some people are like slinkies - not much use for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

