Lon Las Cymru - anyone who's cycled it, Advice please!

MrGeebs Posts: 62
edited January 2012 in Routes
Hi Guys, me and my friend are going to cycle this route in may hopefully. That is sustrans route 8, holyhead to cardiff. We both live in stoke so we were thinking of getting a train to cardiff and instead of finishing at holyhead, split off from the route to finish at conwy and then get the train back or get a lift from there.
My Question is: Would it be better to cycle it south to north or Vice versa so that it's easier.
We want to do it over 3 days so it's gonna be tough enough without the hills, so we want the route where it's going to be more downhill than up. We're pretty experienced bikers and generally do a 50 miler (part off road) every sunday and we also did the C2C in 2011. Is 3 days achievable for the Lon Las Cymru?
um .. . . . .
