Good cycling films

AndyMalone Posts: 55
edited January 2012 in The bottom bracket

I'm in the mood for watching a good film/documentary. Can anyone recommend any good cycling ones that are available on DVD?

I've seen 'Chasing Legends' about Team HTC in the 2009 Tour de France (very good by the way) and I've recently watched a couple of the San Francisco fixie films (like MASH – impressive, a bit mental, not something I'll watch again).

Anyone got any other suggestions?



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    A sunday in Hell

    if you don't mind it '70s anyway...
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Overcoming is pretty good.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
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  • Cheers, there is a full copy of 'A Sunday in Hell' on YouTube (not sure how legit that is).

    I also stumbled across 'Overcoming' just after writing this post and found it for £3.88 so that's one is on it's way. Thanks for the tip.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Problem with cycling films, inevitably, is that it's never quite as good as the actual racing :p.

    For road themed occurances, Belleville Rendezvous.

  • Apologies in advance... American Flyers. Well, I liked it.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Classic French animation and a Costner film... I didn't expect that!

    I found the Mark Beaumont series "The man who cycled the world" on YouTube in good quality last night and ended up watching the whole 2 hours of it.
  • The Greatest Show On Earth and Le Course en Tete are excellent.
  • Road to Roubaix is good too.
  • And you can't buy these on DVD (yet) but the Beyond the Peloton shorts are superb and can be watched in HD on YouTube

    I wish they hadn't stopped making them :-(
  • +1 for American Flyers.

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!
  • Thanks for the links. They'll do nicely to watch on the laptop later once the missus crashes out.
  • islwyn
    islwyn Posts: 650
    edited January 2012
    Wow... Just watched Chasing Legends for the 1st time... HOW AMAZING? I'll be watching that again on the turbo... Christ.
  • It's prob best to watch the BTP films via Cervelo's website so you get em in the right order ... o_headline
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    'Breaking Away' was better than 'American Flyers'. Silly sappy, but won an Oscar for the script.
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • Islwyn wrote:
    Wow... Just wanted Chasing Legends for the 1st time... HOW AMAZING? I'll be watching that again on the turbo... Christ.

    Yep, fantastic!
  • andy46
    andy46 Posts: 1,666
    I just watched Chasing Legends on blu ray, awesome in HD!
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  • ET.
  • I've watched a few of these now...

    Overcoming: Good, interesting characters in the team but after seeing Chasing Legends was just left wanting a bit 'more'.

    BTP: Excellent! Just at the end of the second series and gutted there is only one more to go. Cracking film making and insight into the Pro Tour environment.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I quite liked the Graham Obree bio pic: The Flying Scotsman with Johnnie Lee Miller.
  • Pokerface wrote:
    I quite liked the Graham Obree bio pic: The Flying Scotsman with Johnnie Lee Miller.

    Seconded, couldn't remember the name.
  • Nice, I've added it to my LoveFILM list.
  • I've just noticed on Team Sky's latest training gallery on Facebook that they talk about a film team following them (and setting up equipment on their bikes) making a documentary.

    Has anyone got any further info on this? Is it going to be a one off (Chasing Legends esq) or a series like Beyond the Peloton?
  • Yes, there is a doc being made about them. I think it's being made by MCBD the people behind the Pendleton Hovis adverts.
  • I saved this link from the last similar thread

    Vive Le tour

  • I thought somone would have mentioned Hollentour (Hell on Wheels) by now.

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