comments disappear when entering wrong captcha

ak-77 Posts: 14
The captcha's used on this site are hardly legible by normal humans. If that's what it takes to keep spammers out, so be it. It seems to work in that respect at least. But could you please make it so that if I type the wrong entry, I can go back and try again without having to re-type the whole comment? It's completely wiped out when I go back, which is a pain. I usually copy the comment to the clipboard before I submit but sometimes I forget and anyway that's an ugly workaround. I remember having this complaint before about a year ago and at that time there was already a thread about it and it was being worked on. Apparently, the solution is not there yet.
This happens to me on firefox for windows (all versions of recent years) and opera mobile for android.

cheers, Allard