More Stats - costs & numbers



  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    I've been keeping stats since 2006.

    This year 220 half commutes. Only 2310km (if all direct), but that would save £627 in tube fares.
    Only spent £228 on the commuter, so a good saving.

    Overall, I've ridden 6240km and spent £1549 (so 24.8p/km).

    Over the 6 years, 35,145km for £14,852 (42.3p/km).
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    I think it would work out more economical to get chauffeured to work in a Bentley given how much I spend.

    Love it though. Every pound leaving my wallet gives me a tiny, brief tingle of excitement - followed by hours of self-loathing, regret, angst and guilt. Not to mention hassle off the missus.

    Worth it though.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Rolf F wrote:
    PS - Optimistic Biker, CiB - however you describe it, one a day or two, you've still both managed a pitifully low number of cycle commutes this year :twisted:
    Pffft. 69 commuting days out of a max of 106, then subtract half-terms, parents evening, cubs & scouts nights & those nights when rolling in at 6:40 dripping wet isn't an option, plus the odd mornings at 6:45 when a cold wet bike ride isn't welcome...
    69/106 ain't bad, considering it's 20 miles / over an hour each way. I'd kill for a nice easy 10 miler sometimes.