Fixie Inc sale items

SimonAH Posts: 3,730
edited December 2011 in Commuting chat
I bought some Gates carbon drive hardware from them direct in Germany a while back so I guess I'm on a mailing list.

Just in case anyone is interested......

Dear customers,

this is the last chance, to grab one of our orginals!

Check the meticulous up-to-date list here . ... HSXc#gid=0

Beste Gruesse / best regards
Recep Yesil

FIXIE Inc. | cycles for heroes
Recep Yesil & Holger Patzelt GbR
Moningerstr. 13
D-76135 Karlsruhe|Germany
USt-ID#: DE814239629
fon +49 721 1567244
fon +49 721 1320787
fax +49 721 1320788
skype: recepyesil

FI apparel store | FI factory blog | FI twitter
FI website
FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.