Turbo: Elite SuperCrono

aidso Posts: 493
edited December 2011 in Health, fitness & training

I've got myself one of these: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=57923
I have been using it a few times and when I go to stand up and beast-it, it is incredibly unstable. Last night I was really going for it and the bike shifted forward, touching the ground and making the Mag wheel flick up - forcing me to come to a complete stop and eventually having to get off the bike to reset it all.
Does anyone know how to sort this? There doesn't seem to be a way of locking the "arm" that attaches to the bike and I'm wondering if I can apply weights or bungee-cords to it and the base, to hold it down. While seated on the unit, it feels very comfortable but I need to work on my stand-up game.

Any advice appreciated.