
StanwaySteve62 Posts: 702
edited January 2012 in The bottom bracket
Just been diagnosed with it setting in my kneecaps.
Physio now and replacement knee in about 10 years according to the doc


  • the good news is cycling is probably the best physio for your knees

    good luck, from a fellow sufferer
  • I'll be having a hip resurfacing op in the new year due to arthritis. I suppose it's one of the prices you may pay for getting older.

    The alternative to getting older is really crap.

    Hope your knees don't give way too soon my owd, in the meantime make the most of your health.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • brucey72
    brucey72 Posts: 1,086
    I'm 39 and have suffered arthritis of my knees and hips since I was 21 so I know how painful and frustrating it can all be. I had both hips replaced in 1995/6 and gave up cycling altogether until 2007 when as a result of physio for my deteriorating knees I was told to start cycling again to improve flexibility and muscle strength . The exercise helped my mobility incredibly to the extent that I completed the marmotte in 2009. Unfortunately, my right knee joint collapsed in 2010 and this year I have had total knee replacements of both my knees but all is not lost and I am now back on my bike doing 50mile rides without pain and have just booked two weeks cycling in the Alps for next July, although I think I will wait until 2013 to have another go at the marmotte.

    I would say stick at the cycling, its a non impact sport and hopefully, like me, you will find that it keeps the joint flexible. I honestly believe that had I not been encouraged to take up cycling again in 2007 then I would have undergone my knee replacements earlier and would not have had the muscle strength and flexibility to recover from the operations as well as I have done.

    Good luck
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    I'll be having a hip resurfacing op in the new year

    I had that done in October this year. I can cycle (not doing much at the moment), although loss of fitness has
    resulted from lay off. Sudden or lateral movements still cause pain, so circuit training will have to wait for a few
    more weeks yet. For good exercises to help with rehabilitation, try Warwick Uni physio pages.
    Includes stages 1 - 4 of exercises, depending on your flexibility/range of movement/pain threshold.
  • I had an ex boss who an arthritic anus - well I was told he was a bit of a stiff ass anyway.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Be a bit wary of cycling being good for knee arthritus. I don't think they mean the type of cycling we do. In general 30 mins cycling on the flat would be good for knee arthritus. A 60 mile club run averaging 18mph and taking in some 14% hills wouldn't be so good. - All in my opinion of course.
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Cycling is very good for arthritis - all non impact sport is. Keep it moving or lose it.